Filipino Juan profile picture

Filipino Juan

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

"I Am Personally Worth a Big Phat Bundle! Scroll Down to Learn a Little About Me, Who I Am and What I Do!

I am a mixture of American, Philippean and Puero-rican (Pinoy & Buricuan). I study business and marketing on a daily basis, I enjoy going out socializing, eating out, seekin wifey types lol, playing basketball, playing with my technology toys, creation and developing tons of new things. Enjoying life and culture and loving God forever and ever. I have a joy to make creative music and help people when its needed.
Juan Burton, (WhuaN) Definition, is a Self-Proclaimed Extrodinaire Entrepreneur, Business Developer (Internet & Brick and Mortor), Merchandising, Genius, Mastermind, Whiz Kid, Guru, Artist, Song Writer, Author, Producer, Actor, Director, Model, Inventor, Technology Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer & Software Engineer, Video Game Designer & Creator, Listener, Learner, Leader and Overall Go-Getter.
Business & Company Profile: Burton 500, Inc.
"Creating Innovative Out-The-Box Companies"
(Click the link above to learn more about me and the businesses I own)
Anything You Want to Find! Search Burton 500 Search Technologies, Inc.Learn More About Me, Who I am And What I Do! Click Here Now to Find Out!
I would first like to Thank You for your interest in Juan Burton, You have made a great step in pursuing your interest in me. If you have no knowledge about me or what is it that I do, then please read on to learn more about me, what I do. and who I am. If you enjoy life and culture, discover how prosperity can change your life. This change can be financial, mental, or spiritual.
A Little About Me:
I am a mixture of American, Philippean and Puero-rican (Pinoy & Buricuan). I study business and marketing on a daily basis, I enjoy going out socializing, eating out, seek a wifey, playing basketball, playing with my technology toys, creation and developing tons of new things. Enjoying life and culture and loving God forever and ever. I have a joy to make creative music and help people when its needed.
I have decided to release this profile and be an entrepreneur because I personally want to teach and help motivate people to become successful with themselves in whatever they wish to pursue as a profession or interest. These are my secrets, ideas, and strategies that I am revealing to you. After years of my trials, errors, testing, failures, and successes, I have finally come to the table to reveal who I am, what I love to do from the heart.
I enjoy going out to movies, Staying real with the women, inspiring people, little clubbing, chilling with my business partners and surrounding myself with positive thinkers, people with spiritual strength and other successful people. I enjoy writing, traveling, eating out places, cookin sometimes (asian foods mostly), enjoying life and havin a good time. Why be depressed, sad, or not happy in life. I could say im one of the most positive and prosperous person you can ever meet! =)
Juan Burton is a young thoroughbred entrepreneur and mastermind. The greatest gift that he has is being creative, and with everything in his life. If you enjoy life and culture just as much as I do, then you should look into why I use my gift of creativity and many talents to branch out and conquer my dreams...
I enjoy meeting new people from all different ethics, backgrounds, races, cultures, sub-cultures, and all walks of life. on to learn about my career, life, my strenghts, creations, developments and works.
My New Books
"I'm writing two interesting books, entiled "My Asian Dad" and "Power & Prosperity" About changing the way of thinking, life, finance, spiritual, and many theories of money and what it really is. How to think healthy and vision your success ahead of time. Thinking wealth and good luck in your life. How to make things around you work for you. Thinking joyfully and living in happiness. How to do, and touch on anything and anybody in the world. That are only a tiny bit of the idea of the potiential power and prosperity you can have in your life. My pinoy father is also writing some books, movies and other works as I speak. =)

---------- Some of My Works and Written Releases ----------

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At Last, Discover The Truth About Student Loans and Everything You Want to Know About Them.

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Movie and Film Projects:
Juan Burton Reality T.v. - Coming Soon 2008 (Comedy, Reality, Drama)VH1, AOL, Yahoo! TV, iTunes, ect. (Burton Films/InStyle Productions)
Philippean/Puerto-rican (Pinoy)Juan Burton reality. Real life time documentary of Juan Burton from 2005 to late 2008, the new reality show will reveal how he lived, and how he's living now. Never take anything for granted and always remain humble.
Come travel with us too, from Idiana to New York, Flordia, Puerto-rico, Puitian and Beijing China, Singapore, Philippeans, South East Asia, Hawaii, and California. Its all about enjoying life and culture! ;-)
A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television. A person who behaves in a way that is not genuine.
Acting is another one of many talents and focuses that I pusue in. Acting is very similar to music because they both allow me to express myself in many diverse ways. My deliverance and projection is excellent! Currently I audition for new hollywood movie projects, branding commericals (such as Pepsi, Gatoraide, Snickers, Toyota, GM, Disney, etc). reality shows, Tv. shows and sitcoms. I even appeared on BET's 106th & Park(4/4/2007) LOOK out for me soon on Juan Burton T.V. checkout some of out DVD's, film docs and projects. I CAN NOT forget to mention this new DvD project Instyle is working on H.G.W. I'm no allowed to release that title yet so stay tuned to me.
Hey, I'm doing good, real good. God has been blessing and good to me and I can't ask for more. God has put alot of talent and spiritual gifts into me. We have our up's and down's. I stay up most of the time tho, but its all good.
I associate with producer Jamez Bund, Jay-Z, Ed Hardy Products, Mouse Jones, T-Weed from VH1's I Love NY, Paul Wall, G-Unit, Russel Simmons, DJ CHYL, Interscope, Universal Records, Koch Records/Television, ect. I'm also going to be staring in more film projects (H.G.W., The Greg Show, Boyz-wit-Money, Juan Burton Reality T.v., Def Jam Films, Film, movie and commerical auditions ect). -
"Boyz-Wit-Money" the Movie. Starring: Mouse Jones, Juan Tha Don, Mic-L, Rajah, BurtBezzy, BK-Josh, Boyz-Wit-Money, Bird Gang and more. Directed & Produced by Juan Burton. Co produced and directed By: Mouse Jones & Kevin (T-Weed) Watson. Settling in Brooklyn / Manhattan, New York. The (6) stories of urban hustlers and entrepeneurs failing and succeeding throughtout the harsh realities and challanging in life. (Narrated by Juan Burton & Mouse Jones)
My Music:
A person who is talented or skilled in music. A person who plays a musical instrument, esp. professionally.
San Fransico, California distribution company, IODA announces is new label and parnership with Tha Don Records in 2005.
As part of their agreement, IODA will provide distribution, marketing and promotion Support for Tha Don Records. Initial releases will include Juan aka Da Black Don, Mic-L, BurtBezzy, Rajah, Juda, DJ Chyl and BK Josh aka Kamel-Street.
In 2004 after all of the hard-times, concerts, and sales paid off, and was the beginning of Tha Don Records. Tha Don Records is an upcoming independent record company. Music something that Da Black Don is focusing on in life including the input of many talents such as producing, rapping, singing, movie directing, music video directing, acting, entrepreneur and more. Da Black Don has found it in his heart to combine talents to make music. As you may hear voice producing powerful deliverance which is his real expression and feeling. As you have seen our music videos showing lots of creativity of directing.
Early 2006 Juan tha Don has teamed up with cousin Mouse Jones CEO of B.W.M. Boyz-Wit-Money building strong networking connections to the mainstream network in the music industry, and introduced to President of Def Jam Records Jay-Z, and CEO Russel Simmons. Also including Roc-a-Fella Records, Diplomatic records, G-Unit, Koch Records/Distribution, Ect.
Late 2006 Juan Tha Don loses his orginal cousin and mentor of music, Marcus LaMonte Crenshaw Rest in Peace, Kentucky's biggest DeeJay know as DJ CHYL. Passes away due to rare illness. Juan moves on to push Chyl's music and resurrects the company CHYL, INC. and the label Strictly Crunk Records founded by DJ Chyl.
My life long goal in life is to touch thousands, maybe millions of hearts with my music with purpose.
AFFILIATIONS - Jamez Bund &, Roc-a-Fella, Def Jam Records, G-Unit Records, Koch Records, Universal Records & Pictures, and Interscope Records.
Juan Da Black Don & Tha Don Records signed and distributed by: Tha Don Records / Boyz Wit Money / Roc-a-Fella Records / Def Jam Records.
Our music can simply be found at popular spots such as Amazon, iTunes Music Store, Napster, Pure Tracks, RealNetworks / Rhapsody, Snocap / MySpace, Sony, Sprint, T-Online, Toybe, Verizon, Virgin Moble, Jamba , GroupieTunes, Music Match, Starbucks, TouchTunes, and any where music is sold.
My Entrepreneurship:
I have one of the World's Greatest jobs, living my life is wonderful and exciting job everyday, something new, not just work for financial gain, but also for God. I work when I want, do as much as I want so I am living FREE! Freedom is one of the American dreams. I work about 8-12 hours a day 7 days a week. Trust me, I do what I LOVE and ENJOY, so it don't seem work to me.. or is it? What comes to mind when you hear the word work? Some sort of job or task that is not enjoyable? About 85% people in the world deal with work as not enjoyable, and to few its what they absolutely love and enjoy to do.
At the age of 17, I opened my own business online selling pressed clothing. This was a simple business I started with a free opportunity. Starting off he began generating profit in his first month. Later the sales began to double and even quadruple after each month. Soon after he started first business venture, he learned and taught himself how to design and program web sites. I first used Microsoft FrontPage to design his web stores.
I purchased a secure online merchant account to accept credit card payments. Then I found wholesale distributors for products, toys, gifts, and gadgets just doing research on the Internet. Setting up is the easy part, promotion and marketing is the more challenging.
At the same time when I was getting into making extra money and helping people with new solutions in my spear-time just for fun, that's when I discovered and realized that I wanted to study business and become an entrepeneur for a living.
Every since, I have been studying, and consulting the aspects of business and marketing non-stop in and out of school (the passion grew in me inspired by many small particles of inspiration). I entered Vincennes University, majoring in business administration and web mastering and later transfered to Indiana State University where he began to pursue in the school of business. I have established an incredible amount of success in a short period of time.
I am currently and always seeking, and consulting for new ideas and solutions to share. The main goal for me is to help people, develope better businesses, educate, motivate, and inspire people to become a part of something to the heart, not just make money but change and save lives. As time moves on, I am now investing my time and mind into serveral new businesses and ventures. I vision in helping others life the lifestyle they all dream about.
I am the CEO and Chairman of Burton 500, Inc. and it's companies. Burton 500 was created and established as an enterprise of 100-500 businesses put together to form this major conglomo, soon predicted to become ranked on and off the top fortune 5,000 to the top fortune 500.
My ultimate goal: To educate, motivate, and inspire those who are seeking to change lives, and who are willing to help the economy. Build and create businesses to help others reach their visions, dreams and desired level of success. My goal is to touch hearts by releasing ideas, and sharing my exciting life. I want to change a potential mind to become more entrepreneurial above and beyond success.
Right now Im branding me own tea entitled Prosperity Tea will be availble at soon and also in some stores. In August 2008 we will be opening a new office in Beijing, China. Also working on and tons of over business ventures.
Best Wishes, Power and Prosperity - 88

My Interests

There are at least four distinct meanings given to this term, which overlap only in part. At a basic level, an entrepreneur is a person who owns and runs a business—not necessarily a new, small, growing, or successful business. Economists define the entrepreneur as a person who risks capital and other resources in the hope of substantial financial gain, or as someone who specializes in taking judgemental decisions about the use and coordination of scarce resources. I have one of the World's Greatest jobs, living my life is wonderful and exciting job everyday, something new, not just work for financial gain, but also for God. I work when I want, do as much as I want so I am living FREE! Freedom is one of the American dreams. I work about 16 hours a day 7 days a week. Trust me, I do what I LOVE and ENJOY, so it don't seem work to me.. or is it? What comes to mind when you hear the word work? Some sort of job or task that is not enjoyable? About 85% people in the world deal with work as not enjoyable, and to few its what they absolutely love and enjoy to do.At the age of 17, I opened my own business online selling pressed clothing. This was a simple business I started with a free opportunity. Starting off he began generating over $3,000 profit in his first month. Later the sales began to double and even quadruple after each month. Soon after he started first business venture, he learned and taught himself how to design and program web sites. He first used Microsoft FrontPage to design his web stores.I purchased a secure online merchant account to accept credit card payments. Juan found wholesale distributors for products, toys, gifts, and gadgets just doing research on the Internet. Setting up is the easy part, promotion and marketing is the more challenging.At the same time when I was getting into making extra money and helping people with new solutions in my spear-time just for fun, thatâ€,,s when I discovered and realized that I wanted to study business and become an entrepeneur for a living.Every since, I have been studying, and consulting the aspects of business and marketing non-stop in and out of school (the passion grew in me inspired by many small particles of inspiration). I entered Vincennes University, majoring in business administration and web mastering and later transfered to Indiana State University where he began to pursue in the school of business. I have established an incredible amount of success in a short period of time.I am currently and always seeking, and consulting for new ideas and solutions to share. The main goal for me is to help people, develope better businesses, educate, motivate, and inspire people to become a part of something to the heart, not just make money but change and save lives. As time moves on, Juan is now investing his time and mind into serveral new businesses and ventures. I vision in helping others life the lifestyle they all dream about.I am the CEO and Chairman of Burton 500, LLC. and it's companies. Burton 500, LLC. was created and established as an enterprise of 100-500 businesses put together to form this major conglomo, ranked on and off the top fortune 500.My ultimate goal: To educate, motivate, and inspire those who are seeking to change lives, and who are willing to help the economy. Build and create businesses to help others reach their visions, dreams and desired level of success. My goal is to touch hearts by releasing ideas, and sharing my exciting life. I want to change a potential mind to become more entrepreneurial above and beyond success....Burton 500, Inc.

I'd like to meet:

Da Black Don
"All Night" (mp3)
from "Off tha Block"
(Tha Don Records)

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..Write to Me, FREE autograph request, Send Photos, Your Dvd or videos, Albums, Demos, and other Portfolios.!
To: Burton 500, Inc.
ATTN: Juan Burton
P.O. BOX 533195
Indianapolis, IN 46253

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"All Night" 2006 Music Video

"NY - 2007" ..
Juan Burton T.v. - Funny blooper videos are here

Juan at New York Studio

NY Crib


A person who is talented or skilled in music. A person who plays a musical instrument, esp. professionally.San Fransico, California distribution company, IODA announces is new label and parnership with Tha Don Records in 2005.As part of their agreement, IODA will provide distribution, marketing and promotion Support for Tha Don Records. Initial releases will include Juan aka Da Black Don, Mic-L, BurtBezzy, Rajah, Juda, DJ Chyl and BK Josh aka Kamel-Street.In the past decade the Da Black Don has seen the music industry change. There are probably hundreds of thousands of Hip-Hop artist and companies that currently exist in the U.S alone. Many of those companies have fallen and have been mostly focusing on their upon their image. About 85% of the artist out there often portray their images and don't stay true to whom they really are. Many of those artist don't put moral into their music that make it meaningless. Today the music industry is in need of real talent and real artist who are unique and who stand out. As you may witness today, there are a lot of artist making music or trying to get into the music industry for all of the wrong reasons (money, sex, cars, hype, ect). What has happened to the real down-to-earth Hip-Hop artists who are all about the love of making music?Please read on to learn more about me.Music been the love of Da Black Don's life every since he wrote and recorded my first song. Back in 1990 when at the time Da Black Don was seven, he has been writing, recording and performing for 15 years. Da Black Don has founded it in his heart and soul to create music for a living and to be strongly successful. Growing up, Da Black Don has learned new concepts and ways to record high quality music with low budget equipment. What makes music so interesting to listen to are when artist express themselves through it with their true heart.In 1998 at age 15, Da Black Don started my own independent record company full of creativity and talent. Da Black Don soon discovered that all this time his gift is using creativity. Da Black Don wrote and recorded a lot all of the time album after album. Before he really got stated into the development process, he was soon to meet up with music producer and rapper Chill. At this time Da Black Don had gotten involved with another upcoming independent record label known as Most Hated Records, which resided in Southern Kentucky. The label earned its way up the billboard charts towards the top 10 spots at one point in time. At this time Da Black Don self-produced over 5 albums to date with over 97 songs recorded and released. In late 2002 some problems accrued in the company between two sides of the company, which lead to the downfall of Most Hated Records.In 2003, Da Black Don has branched off from Most Hated Records to remain an independent solo artist, going back to producing my own music. Da Black Don is very proud and honored to announce that he has successfully created and built a powerful fan base and began building up my fame on a regional level. At this time Da Black Don has seen old Hip-Hop artist like KRS-ONE as inspiration to help rebuild the meaning of Hip-Hop music.In 2004 after all of the hard-times, concerts, and sales paid off, and was the beginning of Tha Don Records. Tha Don Records is an upcoming independent record company. Music something that Da Black Don is focusing on in life including the input of many talents such as producing, rapping, singing, movie directing, music video directing, acting, entrepreneur and more. Da Black Don has found it in his heart to combine talents to make music. As you may hear voice producing powerful deliverance which is his real expression and feeling. As you have seen our music videos showing lots of creativity of directing.Early 2006 Juan tha Don has teamed up with cousin Mouse Jones CEO of B.M.W. Brooklyns Most Wanted building strong networking connections to the mainstream network in the music industry, and introduced to President of Def Jam Records Jay-Z, and CEO Russel Simmons. Also including Roc-a-Fella Records, Diplomatic records, G-Unit, Koch Records/Distribution, Ect.Late 2006 Juan Tha Don loses his orginal cousin and mentor of music, Marcus LaMonte Crenshaw Rest in Peace, Kentucky's biggest DeeJay know as DJ CHYL. Passes away due to rare illness. Juan moves on to push Chyl's music and resurrects the company CHYL, INC. and the label Strictly Crunk Records founded by DJ Chyl.My life long goal in life is to touch thousands, maybe millions of hearts with my music.Now learn how I differ myself uniquely.Da Black Don is down-to-earth and very creative with everything his do in life. There is no image for Da Black Don to hold because he can only be he. Every single song that Da Black Don releases has lots of moral. If there is no moral or reason behind music, then there is no reason of making a song.********************THA DON RECORDS - Mic-L, BurtBezzy, Big Wes, Juda, Rajah, Kamel-Street aka BK-Josh, DJ Chyl, Mike Lutin, Big Mental & Juan Da Black Don. BOYZ-WIT-MONEY - Mouse Jones, Butta Butta Honnies, Juan Tha Don, Rajah, BurtBezzy Mo-Betta, Sticko and more.AFFILIATIONS - Jamez Bund & Southern Swangin Starz Ent., Roc-a-Fella, Def Jam Records, G-Unit Records, Koch Records, Universal Records & Pictures, and Interscope Records.Juan Da Black Don & Tha Don Records signed and distributed by: Tha Don Records / Boyz Wit Money / Roc-a-Fella Records / Def Jam Records.Our music can simply be found at popular spots such as Amazon, iTunes Music Store, Napster, Pure Tracks, RealNetworks / Rhapsody, Snocap / MySpace, Sony, Sprint, T-Online, Toybe, Verizon, Virgin Moble, Jamba , GroupieTunes, Music Match, Starbucks, TouchTunes, and any where music is sold...
Juan Burton T.v.
Juancito II (Exclusive Music Video)
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A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television. A person who behaves in a way that is not genuine.Acting is another one of many talents and focuses that Juan pusues in. Acting is very similar to music because they both allow him to express himself in many different ways. His deliverance and projection is excellent! Currently I audition for new hollywood movie projects, branding commericals (such as Pepsi, Gatoraide, Snickers, Toyota, GM, Disney, etc). reality shows, Tv. shows and sitcoms. I even appeared on BET's 106th & Park(4/4/2007) LOOK out for me soon on Juan Burton T.V. checkout some of out DVD's, film docs and projects.Hey, I'm doing good, real good. God has been blessing and good to me and I can't ask for more. God has put alot of talent and spirtal gifts into me. We have our up's and down's. I stay up most of the time tho, but its all good.I associate wit producer Jamez Bund, Jay-Z, Ed Hardy, Mouse Jones, T-Weed from VH1's I Love NY, Paul Wall, G-Unit, Russel Simmons, DJ CHYL, Interscope, Universal, ect. I'm also going to be staring in more film projects ( FaceBookSeries, The Greg Show, Boyz-wit-Money, Def Jam Films, Film, movie and commerical auditions ect).


Juan Burton Reality T.v. - Coming Soon 2008 (Comedy, Reality, Drama)VH1, AOL, Yahoo! TV, iTunes, ect.Philippean/Puerto-rican (Pinoy) native Juan Burton reality. Real life time documentary of Juan Burton from 2005 to late 2008, the new reality show will reveal how he lived, and how he's living now. Never take anything for granted and always remain humble.Come travel with us too, from Idiana to New York, Flordia, Puerto-rico, Puitian and Beijing China, Singapore, Philippeans, South East Asia, Hawaii, and California.Its all about enjoying life and culture! =) -


My New Books

"I'm writing two interesting books, entiled "My Asian Dad" and "Power & Prosperity" About changing the way of thinking, life, finance, spiritual, and many theories of money and what it really is. How to think healthy and vision your success ahead of time. Thinking wealth and good luck in your life. How to make things around you work for you. Thinking joyfully and living in happiness. How to do, and touch on anything and anybody in the world. That are only a tiny bit of the idea of the potiential power and prosperity you can have in your life. My pinoy father is also writing some books, movies and other works as I speak.


Look at it like this, you have 24 hours in a day, but I have like 72 hours. I'm do not waist any kind of valuable time. If something has to get done, do it and stay with it until its completely done.I really can not slow down for anything, they say life is short, but what is life? Spiritual, physical, there are two different types of lifes. GOD has overblessed me with a gift that allows me to be versitile in life, I can use creativity to conquer anything I want to go after. If I want something, I just GO AND GET IT.I vision my whole entire life is a mission for God, and when I die, the mission will be completed. So if I complete my mission, then I will physically die because there will be nothing more for me to do. Then I go back home spiritually living.Walk a day with me and vision a world without all the material Things, Money, and Value that distract the world from its true meaning, which is why, at that point you think of the reason for life. Then it gets deeper. I have SO MUCH love and appreciation for people and life. I didnt understand why I did until I put the whole puzzle together. Jesus died for all of our sins and all that he has gone through was meant to happen as planned. I vision that this Man has died to saved all of us and then rose to Prove spiritual and eternal life.I guess you could say Im one of the happiest people on Earth. There is no reason for me not to be, after all Jesus has been through and spared his life to give me life. Im over graced and appreciative to be here for him and all he's done. I am where I want to be and everwhere you want to be. I discovered that's the reason I've learned and grew to appeciate life and culture...

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My Blog

Learn How I Have Build a Multi-Million Dollar Networth in 1 Month!

The possiblities are endless in what i do. Im in volved with so many industries, music, retail, online, films, videos, acting, branding, marketing, new products, Artist, Song Writer, Author, Producer,...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

Boyz-wit-Money Movie

LOOKY!!! "Boyz-Wit-Money" the Movie. Starring: Mouse Jones, Juan Tha Don, Mic-L, Rajah, BurtBezzy, BK-Josh, Boyz-Wit-Money, Bird Gang and more. Directed & Produced by Juan Burton. Co produced and ...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:18:00 PST

"Discover How A China Man Generates Over $2,500 Every Day On The Internet!"

"Discover How A China Man Generates Over $2,500 Every Day On The Internet!" There is No Such Way of Getting Rich Quick!Come on, lol I’m sure you knew that. If You&rsqu...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:39:00 PST

Very interesting game i been playing on

Hey, check out this app. You get to role-play as a dope dealer. It’s totally awesome: If you have a facebook profile, give it a shoot....
Posted by Filipino Juan on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:09:00 PST

What Do I Do For a Living?

The possiblities are endless in what i do. Im in volved with so many industries, music, retail, online, films, videos, acting, branding, marketing, new products, Artist, Song Writer, Author, Producer,...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:06:00 PST

My eBooks & Written Works

---------- Some of My Works and Written Releases ---------- "Make a Small Fortune Selling Nothing on eBay" Learn How A Partner and I Grossed Over $70,000 Last Year Alone on eBay!&nb...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 07:28:00 PST

Buy the Album -Off Tha Block - In Stores Now!

Da Black Don "All Night" (mp3) from "Off tha Block" (Tha Don Records) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at eMusic Buy at Napster Buy at Rhapsody Stream from Rhapsody Buy at Amazon Buy at GroupieTunes ...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:40:00 PST

Keepin You UpDated About My Latest Movez

Many People Been askin me "What was I doing in NY?" lol Wow Sons, i guess ya'll dont know like a I thought. But its cool, Im serious about my life and what I do. Im a self-procliamed entrepreneur/stud...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

Never Again Will I Give My Heart to a Woman

Never Again Will I Give My Heart to a WomanGive my love to a woman, Give my body parts to a woman,Never Again Will I Give My soul to a Womangrow for a woman or try to know another woman.Never Again Wi...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 02:05:00 PST

JUAN:Tha Life of a DON

Well, look at it like this, you have 24 hours in a day, but i have like 72 hours. plus im not a bullshytter, if something got to get done, do it and stay wit it until its done. I really cant slow down...
Posted by Filipino Juan on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST