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Drum Circles, Massage, Healing, Doing energy work on random subjects (want to apply?) I love all things native. Snow boarding, Paintballing, Music (playing, listening and even writting once in a while) Painting, Writing poetry. I love to make wierd movies and skits.(by my self or with friends) Some times I stay up till 4 in the morning painting my face or body.
People that CARE and want to CREATE CHANGE for the BETTERMENT OF ALL existence!!! To be a little more specific. People that smile a LOT! On the outside as well as the inside. People that want to be active and play sports rather then watch them. I like people that push me to be better. I think motor bikes are way hot, so if you drive better give me a ride . Or better yet scoot back, I'm gonna drive! :P People that send me their heart and soul in their messages. People that can open up to me but also know how to back away long enough so that I can open up to them.Energy Flow, Energy Flow. Red, Orange, Yellow All start to glow. A new world of color, away from Duality. Where penetration has little to do with sexuality. A mind Blowing experiance from begining to end. When you Find out reality realy does bend. Green, Blue, Indigo, Let your colors show. Give your Heart to the world then let it go! Lexi*
Music.....I'm still learning every day!
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I try to watch less these days.
I read a lot of stuff on energy work. On buddhism, Native american shamanism, Healing, But I also love Stephen king!
I think the world needs alot more real heroes. Sports are great, Actors are awsome, but when is the next revolution?