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About Me

My name's Heather. I'm awesome and you'd like me, I promise. Check me out on YouTube . No, seriously, check me out. Those videos will give you a much better look into my mind than anything I could type here. If you want help deciding which ones to watch, this is a playlist of my favorites .
I’m Jewish, but not religious. I’m the Diet Coke of Judaism. Just one calorie, not Jewy enough.
My favorite foods are sushi and fries, though not together. Another one of my favorite foods is lutefisk. It's a Norwegian dish, literally meaning "lye fish," it's whitefish that's been soaked in lye. I'm not kidding . I’m only able to eat it once a year, at a Scandenavian fundraiser dinner my mother and I go to every November. I eat my weight in the stuff and tend to amaze the other people at the table, considering I eat it plain. They’ll all drown it in cream sauce and melted butter, I just shovel it straight into my mouth.
I'm extremely easily amused. I'm alleric to cats, though apparently not to ones with pink skin. I'm obsessed with dinosaurs and pirates. I brush my hair over the sink. I'm a huge fan of Pauly Shore and Andrew "Dice" Clay. I hated Lord of the Rings and Star Wars (all of them). I don't play World of Warcraft. Politics bore me. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I drink beer and girly mixed drinks, I loves me some fruit juice. I'm addicted to The Sims 2. I love hugs, and can probably get rather annoying with my addiction to them.
I have eight tattoos and plan on getting more, with at least one coverup. Two of my tattoos are on fingers, so half of the ink fell out, and another tattoo just totally did not turn out how it should've, the ink feathered. I'm pierced, but they're all in my ears, sorry. :P
I don't drive, and have never even had my driver's license. I do, however, really love the idea of owning something classic (lately I've been interested in muscle cars, don't know much about the insides but I love how they look), and owning a Vespa seems like fun.
I still live with my parents because I have a really good relationship with the both of them, and I doubt I'd have the same kind of friendship with roommates. I don't want roommates and I wouldn't be able to afford living on my own in this city, so I might as well stay here while I save up money and figure out where else I want to be.
I have three pets, a dog and two betta fish, which I've got a bunch of photos of in my Pets album if you scroll back to the top and click on my photo.
I'm always wearing fishnet shirts under a regular shirt or armwarmers (sleeves, whatever you want to call them), because it's just "my thing" and I like how it looks.
I have tiny feet. I went thru hell to find out I wear a size three (yes, a kid's size) in Chucks 'cause I didn't know how the sizing went.
I can't cross my eyes or do the Vulcan hand thing, and this really pisses me off.
Email~ [email protected]
AIM~ To Feign Reality
YIM~ reptar_ate_my_unicorn
YouTube~ youtube.com/heatherface
Twitter~ twitter.com/heatherface
Website~ Click the image below!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone at least once.

My Blog

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