Sometimes I do it...because I can profile picture

Sometimes I do it...because I can

You used to be into all this girl stuff. Stealing, boning, blowing shit up, and now you're like this

About Me

found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.comHmmmm- About just me: I'm pretty chill and fun to be around- occasionally people call me a spaz.... I'm active and am currently training for my first triathalon. This summer I'm planning on riding my 6th Seattle to Portland Bike Ride and in between now and then I'm slated to run several 5k and 10k runs. I used to be a fairly wild one (disguised in a low key package)but now I'm just wild at heart except on girls night out. Oh- and I talk too much.About me and my family: I'm married to an amazing man and we just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. We have 2 children- Maceon, 4y (Mason)and Isabella, who is 1. I love being a mom- but I'm still in total denial and it's still strange when I tell people I have children- probably because I don't feel quite "growed up" myself. We have 2 dogs- Dozer and Clyde. Didn't think we could find a dumber dog than Dozer, but we did. Both are very loving and loyal and great entertainment. We also have 2 cats and well- one fetches and one spends his time hunting down warm places to sleep and/or people to pet him.About work: I work and I love where I work :)

My Interests

First and foremost- playing and spending time with my kids. After that- Volleyball,Pilates, biking, running, swimming, singing in the shower and sexy shoes- Not necessarily in this order either.

I'd like to meet:

People I know...People I don't know but might find amusing. Kevin Smith- he responded to an email of mine one time, we call pacifiers "BOB" in our house to pay homage to Silent Bob...Love that guy!RedvsBlue funnies

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Everything except country....Wrangler butts do not drive me nuts- but they do make me laugh.Shout out to Genevieve and the Diesel Trukkers and Tyler Bueneman who needs to find a band again!! Awesome local talent! Bueneman drops a CD on August 25th...long overdue!!! I get to add a new band- "Hard Money Saints" not for the faint of heart for several reasons....


Anything that is not a kid flick(just kidding)...ALL Kevin Smith movies (yes, even Jersey Girl), Tank Girl, Strangebrew(did you know that this movie is really Shakespeare's Hamlet? I wrote a paper on that for a Shakespeare class in Highschool and the teacher made me prove it so we watched Strangebrew in class...SWEET!!!), Blazing Saddles, Police Academy, GO!, Anything Quentin Tarentino, Con Air...Con Air? Con Shit....:)


"CSI" and "CSI Miami" are the best shows ever...I watch them on tv as well as on DVD...I thought if we had another boy we should name him Warrick. I also like "2 & 1/2 Men," "How I Met Your Mother," "Viva Pinata," and reruns of "That 70s Show"...You know what a funny word is? Pickleweasle


"Another Roadside Attraction" and "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" by Tom Robbins (I'm named after the Amanda in Another Roadside Attraction);"Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Hamlet" as well as other Shakespeare works; "Night" by Elie Wiesel; The Kay Scarpetta books by Patricia Cornwell; "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"; " SkippyJon Jones" about a siamese kitten who thinks he's a chihuahua superhero names "Friskito Skippito"- comic GOLD!!! I love to read and I love reading to my kids- it's one of the best things about parenting


My parents without a doubt! My cousin Shauna- it's because of people like her that our generation might actually make a difference and she's just a beautiful person.Gilda Radner, Christopher Reeves, Michael J. Fox...anyone who faces a major life altering moment/dilemma and makes the world a better place because of it. Also- parents with more than 2 children- you deserve an award or should be committed.Bill Gates for doing amazingly positive things to improve the world.and of course Kevin Smith for making the world a funnier place...

My Blog

your arms like towers...tower over me...

"We are broken...what must we do to restore?" - We are Broken Paramore Sigh, extremely productive day. I have a lot of those when it comes to work and home. Just the cycle I'm in...although I also can...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:05:00 PST

Sometimes I think my kids are Geniuses..sometimes I wonder what the.... the other day...I realize that I'm obviously raising geniuses. My daughter keeps mistaking Shannon Elizabeth for me and well...what can I's obvious that the child has a...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 10:28:00 PST

I must confess...

I suck...or in this case...I totally did not... you well know I totally chucked Mark under JoeMetro about dogging out on HappyFunAdult time on Sat when I was all revved up and ready to have so...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

Oh that?..that’s "your" smile....

Oh that?...that's a smile...a big one and gave it to me...nice work... It's big, a bit cheezy, it's toothy and it's not hiding behind those glossy lips of eyes are lookin...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:26:00 PST

and I feel the ache...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. You run through my mind and I feel the ache...the pain of your absence. Love never fades, even when circumstances take those we love away from us, the love d...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 10:59:00 PST

The changes in me...

Went for a 2nd run tonight...I'm a woman on a a constant state of change.  I'll say that for the first time in a long time, I'm viewing my physical self as a more of a machine- a ves...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 02:21:00 PST

welcome to my.....filthy mind

and I'm come my...filthy mind...filthy mind..mind... Ahhhh....I should never be left to my own devices on a Saturday night...never left to what my memory will dru...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 10:43:00 PST

Into everyone’s life a vacation like this must fall...

So...It's inevitable...into every family's life a 'family trip' that is questionable must fall.  This trip is one that is to cover a few purposes...the first and foremost is to spend time w/ Mark...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:48:00 PST

all is somewhat silent

but for Bella's funny little babbling sounds, Mark's snoring and Maceon's talking in his sleep...everyone (but me) is finally asleep after a long day. We had a long ass drive to Spokane after a l...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Sat, 24 May 2008 01:04:00 PST

w00t w00t

I am posting this blog as a major kudos to one of my co-workers. For those who don't know me or haven't checked out my 'professional' data- I work for Microsoft Games Studios.  I have to admit t...
Posted by Sometimes I do it...because I can on Thu, 22 May 2008 12:51:00 PST