First and foremost- playing and spending time with my kids. After that- Volleyball,Pilates, biking, running, swimming, singing in the shower and sexy shoes- Not necessarily in this order either.
People I know...People I don't know but might find amusing. Kevin Smith- he responded to an email of mine one time, we call pacifiers "BOB" in our house to pay homage to Silent Bob...Love that guy!RedvsBlue funnies
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Everything except country....Wrangler butts do not drive me nuts- but they do make me laugh.Shout out to Genevieve and the Diesel Trukkers and Tyler Bueneman who needs to find a band again!! Awesome local talent! Bueneman drops a CD on August 25th...long overdue!!! I get to add a new band- "Hard Money Saints" not for the faint of heart for several reasons....
Anything that is not a kid flick(just kidding)...ALL Kevin Smith movies (yes, even Jersey Girl), Tank Girl, Strangebrew(did you know that this movie is really Shakespeare's Hamlet? I wrote a paper on that for a Shakespeare class in Highschool and the teacher made me prove it so we watched Strangebrew in class...SWEET!!!), Blazing Saddles, Police Academy, GO!, Anything Quentin Tarentino, Con Air...Con Air? Con Shit....:)
"CSI" and "CSI Miami" are the best shows ever...I watch them on tv as well as on DVD...I thought if we had another boy we should name him Warrick. I also like "2 & 1/2 Men," "How I Met Your Mother," "Viva Pinata," and reruns of "That 70s Show"...You know what a funny word is? Pickleweasle
"Another Roadside Attraction" and "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" by Tom Robbins (I'm named after the Amanda in Another Roadside Attraction);"Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Hamlet" as well as other Shakespeare works; "Night" by Elie Wiesel; The Kay Scarpetta books by Patricia Cornwell; "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"; " SkippyJon Jones" about a siamese kitten who thinks he's a chihuahua superhero names "Friskito Skippito"- comic GOLD!!! I love to read and I love reading to my kids- it's one of the best things about parenting
My parents without a doubt! My cousin Shauna- it's because of people like her that our generation might actually make a difference and she's just a beautiful person.Gilda Radner, Christopher Reeves, Michael J. Fox...anyone who faces a major life altering moment/dilemma and makes the world a better place because of it. Also- parents with more than 2 children- you deserve an award or should be committed.Bill Gates for doing amazingly positive things to improve the world.and of course Kevin Smith for making the world a funnier place...