Hello. My name is Mr. Todd Alert.
This is how I found out about the
treatment of homeless people which My Info: you can call me at 804-591-1067
tends to get overlooked quite a bit Mr. T. Alert
throughout the world. I became Founder/CEO
homeless myself upon discovering
my wife had been committing
adultery with various men over the
past few years or so. Now I am here
to pass on to all other homeless
people about my resources for their
Update #15: I have been meeting with legal aide for the past three weeks. We had present a representative from Homeward Bound, also from the city council Marty Jewel, a representative from D.S.S., Social Services, and two members from Homeless Organization. These meetings take place every Sunday from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. We the homeless people submitted problems with organizations such as CareTox, Daily Planet, Overflow Shelter in Wilkum Court. The issues that were discussed included, CareTox banning people, The Overflow shelter changing the doors also the water was not feasible to drink. This school was shut down in Wilkum Court due to asbestos, rodents, roaches, and contaminated water. These issues will be investigated by Social Services and D.S.S. We also found out that there was an article put out in Orlando, Florida that said do not feed the homeless or they would get a $250.00 fine if they did not have a permit. Marty jewels has been very helpful and Pat Nevel, which is our legal aide, had been assisting us on this matter. We meet with the City Hall on the 17th so that these issues can be dealt with. If these issues are not dealt with with the most kind and caring for the homeless we will call for a protest for the homeless people world wide. We the people would like to call for a world wide protest march throughout the world on the 17th to bring about The New World Alert Homeless Shelter. Please pass this along to all your friends and family. Love always, [email protected]. Update #16 will follow.03 Feb 07
Mr. Alert:
Ask me, could I write a poem for the homeless I reply yes!
Homeless people are sad.
Some are nice and pleasant.
Some are very intelligent.
Some have despair.
Why am I here!
Bad choice, or good choice.
Why am I here!
My God do you understand,
my pain in my heart.
My tears are enlisted.
Oh! God where is my
Angel’s unaware
I need help, right now Lord.
It is cold outside God.
I have this back pack and a bag.
I carry some items with me at times.
People fret from me.
Continued of the second page of the Homeless poem,
I am still a person and a human being,
in spike of a situation at hand.
My heart is empty to the looks,
I received from this just World.
The empty promised of military.
Be all you can be VET.
America is wounded by these statesman call head controllers.
Yet, I must keep on walking and moving until I reach my goal.
I may sleep on bench.
My God open the door of comfort.
And churches to assist, me to be strong in
and driven, with the carematic, matters of the future.
I stand in need of enlighten meant of courage meant, with in my body.
To be driven, strong and observatory
of all my surrounding ahead.
Yet, keep your guard up, and stay firm to the beliefs of God
He will see you through.
H ----- Heart ship
O ----- Oppression
M ----- Moveable
E ----- Endless
Part Three of the
L ----- Longing
E -----Emerge
S ----- Support
S ----- Solitudes
By Eugenia C. Fleming
Try walking in the shoes of a homeless person, do you really know what they go through in life, anyone can become homeless at any day or time! Hello. My name is Mr. Todd Alert. This is how I found out about the treatment of homeless people which My Info: you can call me at 804-591-1067 tends to get overlooked quite a bit Mr. T. Alert throughout the world. I became Founder/CEO homeless myself upon discovering my wife had been committing adultery with various men over the past few years or so. Now I am here to pass on to all other homeless people about my resources for their benefit and forward to you.I have been meeting with Legal Aid at 123 Broad St. with our lawyer Pat Lvel. The mayor of Richmond has hired a new mayor to help us with these problems in Richmond. This is a worldwide problem. The shelter that I have designed, we would be able to build one of these shelters where ever it's needed. I have sent off my blueprints to my architects. As you know I have been giving you updates on the homeless situation here and abroad. The government has signed off on a $10,000 budget deficit for the homeless. How this money is dispersed the government. Due to my discovery we found out that Prizio and Caratox, Salvation Army, Esi Resperd, all these organizations has been under investigation. We found out that most of these people who have been working for these organization have been stealing, lying, and having homosexual acts with these people. Have this world turn away from God. The world is going one way and the world is going another. God is in control and will take care of the homeless people. He will send them to seven gates of Heaven. Redemption and Judgment is very near. I have talked to gospel groups, rap groups, and radio stations. I am trying to bring together all these organizations for all homeless people to come to Richmond in this special calling to help people out of poverty and self addiction. In this world today we all have personal addiction. Let's not harp on a person's addictions, if you live in the United States everyone has some type of addiction. So let's not harp on one persons addiction. Let's help them get out of their addiction and homelessness. I thank you for being patient with me .. #16 & 17 and 18 will follow. I will update you. I thank all the VCU students for their support. Also I will be designing seven pictures and sell them in an art gallery as a fundraiser for the shelter. As we know worldwide homeless people have been abused, taken advantage of and exploited. I am working on a day for the homeless called Dollar Day for the Homeless worldwide. Due to my discovery a homeless woman up north asked a person for a dollar, he gave her the dollar but turned around and shot her for no reason. For this reason, I have answered my calling. This is something God asked me to do and he will send me all of my labors to help me with this worldwide alert call to the world. We all are on a paycheck to be homeless. Stop letting the government pimp us, minimum wage is not enough. Minimum wage should be at least $11 or $12. Love always, Mr. Alert TWAH5. For all homeless people worldwide meet me at Monroe Park, right in front of the VCU area. This is for the world call alert to know we are here to help you if you want to help yourself.
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