I HEART RUNNING ,Music, Art, Politics...
Open minded people...
I like anything from... Death Cab for Cutie, At the Drive in,Arttic Monkeys, Jenny Lewis and The Watson twins, Andrew W.K., Buck 0-9, The Go! Team, interpol, Le Tigre, matt pond PA, AFI, Copeland, Tilly and the Wall, Bloc Party, Mars Volta, RadioHead, Hot Hot Heat, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Massive Attack, The Postal Service, Coheed, The Clash, Frou Frou, The Format, Ben Folds, Ben Harper, Clap your Hands and Say Yeah,The Talking Heads, Tracey and the Plastics, Mewithoutyou, The Shins, Bright Eyes, The Faint, Thrusday, The Divorce, Lost Boys, Minus the Bear, Emery, Random Hip-hop, and the list goes on...
The Breakfast Club, Bus Stop, The God Father, Rocky, Some Like it Hot, I Heart Huckabies, 12 Monkeys, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, Better off Dead, The Aquatic Life, The Shining, The Birds, Marnie, North By Northwest, Big Fish, DON'T WATCH "THE GREEN RIVER KILLER" IT'S REALLY MESSED UP!...
Not A Fan, but I have to admit that I have been known to watch Project Runway.
A Brave New World, Animal Farm,1984, The Catcher in the Rye, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Perks of Being a Walflower, Dramma Punx, Naked, Dress Your Family in Cordury and Demin, Go Ask Alice, A Million Little Pieces, A Mans Search for Meaning, Smack, I could go on forever I love to read...
Sandy Daw, Bob Marley and gosh dang-it, that stud Dru.