I LoVe SkaTebOaRdiNg. I LoVe tHe fReEdOm oF iT && tHe CuLtURe SiMpLy....My StyLe HaS SoMewHaT Of a veRsAtiLiTy WhEn iT CoMeS to tHe WaY I LiKe tO ExPrEsS MySeLf. bUt My StYle Is MoRe iNcLiNed tO ThE PuNk RoCk Sk8t3r imAgE tHat I gO 4. MoRe LiKe ThE [FaMouS_JuNe] StyLe. MaNy PeOpLe LiKe tO tHiNk oF mE aS a TReNdSeTTeR... BuT My MaiN-oBjEcTiVe oR iNtEnT WaS NeVeR tO GaiN tHE iNtErEsT oF OtHeRs oNtO My LoOk, but to EnViSioN A StYle InFuSiNg DiFfErEnt eLeMeNtS oF VaRiOus StyLes SuCh aS UrBan fLaRe & Sk8t3r FLaVoR To CrEaTe My VeRy oWn MiXtURe oF InDiVidUal SeLF-SyNoPSis sO 2 SpEaK. CrEaTiViTy Is WhAt I iMaGiNe tO LiFe && I dOnT ExPeCt tO SeE AnYoNe TaKiNg CrEdiT oR CLaiMiNg My ViBrAnT IdEaS. NeVeR-tHe-LeSs I CoUnt oN My fLow 2 bE RePliCated aLL iN tHe SiMpLe FaCt tHaT I LeAd bY ExAmpLe....
Mr. BeSt dReSs3d™
ella es mi estrella y mi amor™
d0pe KiiD↓ frshh
½βori ↔ ½τrini
Jenuine GLAMMY Glam™ Love thy stiletto.
Myspace Best Dressed™ VOTING STARTS NOW!
.// LiFe * MuSiC * Lov3// .
Music is a door,
An escape to a different world.
A world you make and controll in your mind.
Music is a hero,
One to cheer your spirits when you are down.
Music is an enemy,
sometimes the lyrics bring you down.
Music is your personality,
expressed through song.
The music player,
Is you, the one holding it all together.
Music is an awakening to the real world.
Its lyrics are real and true.
Music is a best friend,
One to give advice when you need it.
Music is what you think of it.
Its starts off empty and colorless,
and escalates to something more,
your own world. Music....
Music Is Life,
Without It We Would Be In Strife,
Music Is My Whole World,
Without Music My Life Would Deserve To Be Hurled.
Music Is Love,
Music Is Like A Dove,
Music Is Passion,
Where Do You Think Everyone Gets Compassion.
Music Is What Keeps Us Alive,
It Helps Us Thrive,
Music Consumes You,
It Never Wants To Say Adeiu.
» K0oL FriEnd¬
GeT aT
[» FLyYNiSS ™]
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Pharrell * [Va] BeaCh * BAPES
The style, colors, && skateboarding. Im not even surprised why yall Like it so much. This style was originated in Virginia Beach, Virginia before it was seen anywhere else. Pharrell opened the door for creativity and innovative Ideas that would have eventually rocket him to success. His passion for music is second to none. I'm glad that I actually had the opportunit to actually see him composing in the studio.