TAYLOR profile picture


About Me

I just bought this audio booklet...it's freakin awesome.
Highly amusing...especially for those who enjoy the Gorillaz.
Here are some links to my other stuff:
RobertBarriger.com - my dads new blog.
I AM POLYLITHIC - future project.
green&co - portfolio site (old stuff).
blogspot - need I say more?
flickr - so cool.
Camino De Vida - my church.
salt - it'll take over.
"Failure is the womb of success." - Edwin Louise Cole
+++ Sometimes a block of extra sharp cheddar...a knife...a Wes Anderson movie and some cold orange juice...cannot be denied...oh so good. +++ Laughter is amazing...it pretty much cures anything placed before it...highly contagious...it lights up a moment. +++ A cool offshore breeze on a scorching summer session...trunkin it till dark...I like those days. +++ Camp walmart with the guys...unique moments...simply the thought brings much joy....some of my best memories. +++ With music in my ears...while driving or walking or just sitting...it's as if I'm in a music video...it's an entertaining place...you should go there sometime +++ I love the smell of coffee...in the morning...while the city comes alive...its my favorite moment of the day.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A little tid bit of what Camino de Vida is. It's better if you know the spanish.

This is what I call fun.

My Blog

the good outways the bad

the good outways the bad. the bad days always seems overwhelming...but only while the bad is present. the good days are always amazing...and the good lasts well beyond the moment. there is always bad ...
Posted by TAYLOR on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 01:23:00 PST

'Catwalk' - wallpaper (logo)

I recently developed a logo/identity for a fashion show, 'Catwalk', in Christchurch, New Zealand. Its a somewhat Victorian themed event...thus the logo reflects just that. Anyhow...here are two wallpa...
Posted by TAYLOR on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:44:00 PST