I just bought this audio booklet...it's freakin awesome.
Highly amusing...especially for those who enjoy the Gorillaz.
Here are some links to my other stuff:
RobertBarriger.com - my dads new blog.
I AM POLYLITHIC - future project.
green&co - portfolio site (old stuff).
blogspot - need I say more?
flickr - so cool.
Camino De Vida - my church.
salt - it'll take over.
"Failure is the womb of success." - Edwin Louise Cole
+++ Sometimes a block of extra sharp cheddar...a knife...a Wes Anderson movie and
some cold orange juice...cannot be denied...oh so good.
+++ Laughter is amazing...it pretty much cures anything placed before it...highly
contagious...it lights up a moment.
+++ A cool offshore breeze on a scorching summer session...trunkin it till dark...I
like those days.
+++ Camp walmart with the guys...unique moments...simply the thought brings much
joy....some of my best memories.
+++ With music in my ears...while driving or walking or just sitting...it's as if I'm
in a music video...it's an entertaining place...you should go there sometime
+++ I love the smell of coffee...in the morning...while the city comes alive...its
my favorite moment of the day.