Oh yes hello, my name is Kath Day-Knight. I'm married to the biggest hunk o' spunk this side of Fountain Lakes; Kel Knight. I am proud of my home. Ditto myself. I'm proud of how I look. Yes, I'm high maintenance but I think you've got to be and frankly I enjoy it. We unfortunately live with my daughter Kim, who since having her unit stolen by her very own father, has had to come and live with me and Kel, I tell you she is the bone marie of my life. She has a lovely husband named Brett and they have a daughter, Epponae Rae and a dog named Cujo. I should also mention Sharon, poor Sharon. Oh well at least she has her sport.
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Instead of a picture this week, I have decided to treat you all to mine and Kel's appearance on 'Dancing With The Stars' yes, the judges were mean, but we had such a boon strutting our stuff on the dancefloor, we couldn't care less! Keep it tizzy, keep watching and keep those comments coming peoples x