My hero is My Mom. She passed away august 7, 2003. I miss her so much. She was 56 when she died. There is so much I want to say to her that I realize she's not coming home again. I didn't get to say goodbye to her. You never realize how much you miss someone until they are gone. If I could do it over again I would of spent more time with her and told her how much she really mean't to me. I love and miss you mom. It gets really hard for me especially when the holidays get here. I never really grieved for her because I need to be strong for my children but It gets hard at times. One thing I would like to say to everyone who still has there mom or anyone take pictures of your loved ones even if they hate getting there pic taken because I wish I had more pics of my mom and I. If I had known it was going to be her last mothers day with me or her last christmas I would have done things different. love them while there here and listen to what they say because tommorrow they might be gone. Also thanks to my kids, My dad, and my sis for being there for me I love ya's