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I'm not a know it all, I just know more than you.

About Me

Hmm... What can I say about me. I was born in St. Goerge Utah, I lived there for two years or so. Then I moved to Lehi and lived there since. Most of my friends are from there too, so ya nothing big thats really happened in my life so far. I live with four of my good buddies in American Fork: Brett, Ammon, Randy, and John. Pretty good times at our house... Im a pretty shy person until you get to know me, then I start talking. I m a pretty cool guy so everyone says. So if your just reading this profile, message me, comment me, doesn't matter always down for a new friend.

My Interests

Well I basicly live to ride. Snowboard that is, I love it. Ever since my brother first took me when I was like nine I think I have liked it. I came to obsess it when about five years back this month my brother the one that taught me, died. So when I am up there kinda feels like I'm with em in a way. I don't know thats kinda dumb, but hey makes me feel better to think that. I also like to ride my motorbike, even though I am no where near as good at it. Oh well I'll get there. I also like to play with a guitar every now and then. Not very good at it, but its fun to listen to a song on the radio and then try to play it on your own. Really cool feeling when you get a song down. I like to tinker around with electronics, I just kind of had a affinity for it since I was a little kid.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who isn't one of those stupid hard ass types. You know the type I'm talking about. Even though I have a few friends like that.... And if you are one of those people... Just calm down a little take it easy on the roids buddy.
Pulseware layouts


I'm not going to be like every other person on here and say I like everything, because I don't. I'm just going to tell you who sucks. TOOL!..... is not good. They basicly blow my balls. Sorry that was mostly for Randy if he is reading this. And pretty much all rap. Rap isn't good either. It sounds and looks like a bunch of people with downs making music.


I hate scary movies mostly because they're just so fricking stupid. I like pretty much any movie that is orginal, and entertaining. Like Donnie Darko, Boondock Saints, and a lot more but I can't think right now.


Family Guy.... Need I say more.


Most of Orson Scott Card is cool, but he has some pretty krappy ones too. Raymond E Feist, Terry Goodkind are cool authors. There is a lot more but I can't think of all the authors I read.


I have only a few people who I honestly, and truly look up to. I hope they rest in peace, and know how I feel about them.