Yvette<3 what cant i say about her? i love her.with everything that i have.never in a million years could i have imagined someone so wonderful as her. shes all that i could want in a girl and so much more. its hard to find someone nowadays who is a genuine person. good thing i found one in her. yea we have our bumps in the road, and our ups and downs, but what couple doesnt? its just something you gotta step over and keep moving on =] im always going to be here for her, no matter what just like i said i would... I love you<3
uh lets see;incubus,sublime,elvis(damn him and his hair),heroes del silencio,metallica,black sabbath,redhot chili peppers,pantera,deep purple a flock of seagulls,megadeth,motorheadand,kansas,ice cube, michael jackson{when he was still black} bob marley some other bands that i cant remember
way too many to count lol
Well what can i say to begin with my name is Deilar and and i just hacked into this guy rite here's myspace.... he is a very nice and special person to me... hes really koo hes been here for me in my worst times and in my good times and i really would like to thank him. Victor is a really good friend almost like a brother to me who will always be here if you need his help hes the type of guy that you can trust with anything and wont be a hipocrit or a backstabber... i really luv u... and appreciate your company
scar tissue, a child called it, cirque du freak 1-12,captain underpants,burro genius...and those are all the ones i can remeber right now
the panthers, my mom MY FAMILIA