>§ [Victor] §< (SSB) profile picture

&gt;§ [Victor] §&lt; (SSB)

♥6-14-08♥" Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, b

About Me

sup victor's the name playing football's the game =D so heres my outlook on life.... all my life ive been one of those ppl that thought they had to do everything by themselves boy was i wrong. people need people theres no getting around that. what we as people need is the feeling of want and to be wanted by others. emotions are always a part of the game of life good bad and great its all just gonna always be there. people if you think your the type of person that says"oh i dont need anybody" GOD YOU ARE HORRIBLY MISTAKEN...people feed and react off of eachothers emotions theres no gettng around that either. when you know the pain of someone else you feel it in the pit of your stomach and you react to that persons emotions and sometimes when it's someone you care for. it takes its toll on you too. life is one of the most beautiful gifts ever given and i dont intend on wasting mine. so live each day like its your last,make bonds with people you know are always going to be there for you. dont have any regrets in what you do, because later on in life your gonna want to look back and say "i did that" not "what have i done" and dont waste your time on "if's" and "buts" if you want something reach out and take it. rejection is always a possibilty, but in the end its all worth it because at least you can say "i tried", and not "what if i had tried"? live and learn from your mistakes because those are the most valuable lessons in life =]... now let me tell you a lil about me.... born september 20th. i play the guitar to relieve my stress. i need my family and friends and that special someone to survive<3(she knows who she is) i play football for montclair. dont like it? get bent cuz thats my team and my school. i bleed black and blue... ima txt whore. i may look old but im only 15. i love to read and learn stuff. yea? so what? im going somwhere in life so im pretty smart at least i think. love to eat, and i love to workout. pretty much it for now. wanna know more? drop a comment or hit me up peace. hah and if you took the time to read all this stuff you really are a great person =D stuff i like =] . .... . . .================================================ MyGen Profile Generator ================================================ ================================================
..This is yvette hackin' my babes page Hehe.
Hmm well first i'd like to say that
i love him with all my heart♥
and i don't know what i'd do without him
He brings me up when im down,and makes
me laugh soo hard. =] He's always
there to make me feel better and he
says the right things at the right time.
When i see him he gives me butterflies
And i absolutely love his smile :}
Ahh. he takes my breath away. <333
I hope this can last a long time
i love everything about him and i
wouldn't change not one thing about him.
Well thats about all i have to say
for the moment. I love you babe<3
P.S He's mine. =] =============================================
VictorrrrLupercioooo :] Or shall i say Bro/Vic :] You are one funny guy. You say some pretty random things at random times. But thats what makes it fun. Your smart, ha not just in school but in life. You give some pretty good advice for a boy, i admit :p Its funny how i can talk to you about things and your not all like omg, a girl? haha you take it like it is :] You are one of my best guy friendss. :] Your easy & fun to talk too! Your my pushy friend :p If i don't wanna keep going, you know how to boost that. I know it took me a while to start trusting you, but you showed me i could :] your honest, and i like that the most, if i tell you something you'll give me an honest answer! Your a great friend Bro! :] Nah, your my brother. :] I know i can be a drag, but thanks for putting up with me :p Its a workout i know. I know i met you about a year ago, but since then you've still been around for me to talk too :] Ill always be here for you nutcase. :p Loveyou bro. =============================================== =============================================== ===========================================================N o team is more dedicated than OUR TEAM. I am dedicated to that TEAM! WE will never surrender in competion! I will always sacrifice first! OUR conduct is OUR shield! MY weapon is MY courage! WE are a TEAM and discipline sets us apart! I am a member of that TEAM and no one can ever doubt that! Each member of OUR TEAM has an assignment! They will not have to do MINE! WE will commit to ultimate victory, WE are a TEAM! I am a member of that TEAM and you will FEAR ME! And above all else you will FEAR MY TEAM!!! ======================================= =======================================

My Interests

Yvette<3 what cant i say about her? i love her.with everything that i have.never in a million years could i have imagined someone so wonderful as her. shes all that i could want in a girl and so much more. its hard to find someone nowadays who is a genuine person. good thing i found one in her. yea we have our bumps in the road, and our ups and downs, but what couple doesnt? its just something you gotta step over and keep moving on =] im always going to be here for her, no matter what just like i said i would... I love you<3


uh lets see;incubus,sublime,elvis(damn him and his hair),heroes del silencio,metallica,black sabbath,redhot chili peppers,pantera,deep purple a flock of seagulls,megadeth,motorheadand,kansas,ice cube, michael jackson{when he was still black} bob marley some other bands that i cant remember


way too many to count lol


Well what can i say to begin with my name is Deilar and and i just hacked into this guy rite here's myspace.... he is a very nice and special person to me... hes really koo hes been here for me in my worst times and in my good times and i really would like to thank him. Victor is a really good friend almost like a brother to me who will always be here if you need his help hes the type of guy that you can trust with anything and wont be a hipocrit or a backstabber... i really luv u... and appreciate your company


scar tissue, a child called it, cirque du freak 1-12,captain underpants,burro genius...and those are all the ones i can remeber right now


the panthers, my mom MY FAMILIA

My Blog


So You Think You Know Me...(2 Points) My name:(4 Points) My last name: (4 Points) Who am I in love with: (1 Points) Where did we meet: (6 Points) Take a stab at my middle name: (1 Points) Where do I w...
Posted by >§ [Victor] §< (SSB) on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 12:59:00 PST


Don't forget to be honest because no one sees this but me! and if your really only want me to see this just reply to this in a message k?..i need to knowwhat would you do IF...[[FILL IN THE BLANKS]]I ...
Posted by >§ [Victor] §< (SSB) on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:20:00 PST


now be completely honest when you ansewr this question ok???......   what was your first impression of me?   good or bad i dont care i need to know...everyone is entitled to their own opinio...
Posted by >§ [Victor] §< (SSB) on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:38:00 PST

well heres this blog thingy tell me wat you think of me

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be frie...
Posted by >§ [Victor] §< (SSB) on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:12:00 PST