Singer and songwriter Micaela currently resides in Los Angeles, CA promoting her debut album Empty Room.
Micaela started as an actress and attended drama school in Rome where she was born and raised. Micaela moved to Los Angeles and quickly developed a growing acting career, landing roles in TV such as The Bold and Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, and various independent films.
While residing in LA, Micaela gained the attention of music producer, Automatic, who inspired her to give in to her passion for music.
Micaela just launched her debut album. Empty Room is rich with emotion, reflecting Micaela's own past experiences and pain, such as the track Empty Room, inspired by a true story, which gave the disc its title.
Micaela mixes a variety of styles, playing with pop, dance and hip hop influences and sends a (sultry) energy into the mic, delivering strong vocals that carry with them an ethnic sweetness.
When Micaela is not working on music, she spends her time contributing to animal rights causes and donates proceeds from her album, Empty Room, to organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the Animal Liberation Project. For more information about PETA and cruelty-free living, please visit
Whatever you decide to do in life, just be passionate about it... Don't be intimidated by competition, as success is sweeter and failure less bitter when you have given everything. You have to be true to yourself--it's your life. You are the master of your destiny, and passion, not pedigree, will win in the end. --JON BON JOVI