hMm.. iM a mAkE Dis shOrT..sOm piPoL sEi iMa snOb aNd Luks rAthEr pRovocatinG..yeAh dAt's tRue.. bUt iM fRendLy nMan..aNd vEry mAkuLet..sweEt.. but mOodY anD cAn gEt veRy jEaLous..
yA riLi don wAnNa make mE anGrY.. haHar.. im a waRfREak..heLL yeAh anD a veRy paRanoId eneMy.. nwEis.. i h8 biTch asS sLuts anD tRyin hArd gHetTos.. gRr.. i eAsiLy fALL tO hoNesT aNd swEeT guYs.. nOt toRpE anD bAstOs hUh..aiGht..wuT p b?? hAhAr.. mAh tRadeMark...kiLay kO.. or sO dEy sAy..i dOn knOw bOut dEm bUt i dOn giV a fuCk bOut wUtt Dey sEy bOut mE..iZ pRetTy cLeAr Dat iM a biTch hU aiNt sCaRed oF anYthIn..aiGht..riLi em noT dAt snOoty.. acTuaLi em veRy fRendly p no..jUst doN huRt mAh cReW aNd nEvA cRiticiZe mAh giRLs..eM goNa kiLL yA..yA fEeL me?anD o yeah.. iM d tyPe hU duMps.. aNd NEVER wAits oN anYonE..weL dAts befoh... Leah's bAk 2 buSIneSs.. mpRyd..buT eM nOt a pLayeR..foH dOse hU's sAyin pLaygirL akO..soRry guYS.. em n0t..yEah beFoR....haha... Lolz.. weL dAt's aLL y'aLL hAvta kNOw b0ut mE...chILL
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cuL aNd nOt fAke piPoL..soMonE hU cuD hAng wIt mAh cRew..
i hAte piPoL hU r pLastIc aNd soCiaL cLimBeRs..eRgs wusUp wit dAt???
soMeonE wiT guD sensE oF huMor..swEet,sUpeR cAriNg...aNd HONEST