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Mr. Japan

mr. Japan!!

About Me

wuddup world?!?! its dat boi Prashad finally doin this thang so yall can kno a lil more about me.......let's see...i'm a military brat so i've been all ova. I call Yokota, Japan home cuz dats where i had da best times of my life!! From 5th to 10th grade, i couldn't have asked for anything else...afta dat i moved to Altus, Oklahoma and did my thing there for a lil less than a year..dats where i started rappin, dancin, singing, driving, and all dat jazz!! it was crunk...then i moved here to War-Town, GA and i'm tryna do my thang here to...i got cut from da basketball team but dat doesn't mean i can't ball by any means!! I play football, basketball, and run track. I do the 110 hurdles, 400 hurdles, 100 m dash, 200 m dash, and long jump. I'm an athlete. I play QB, Defensive End, and Tight End in football. Dat was bak in da day tho. I'm an athlete. I play 2, 3, and 4 in basketball!! dats my passion too!! Basketball is da best sport eva!! I'm an athlete. But yea..i'm 6'1, hazel eyes, best dressed brotha in da game (jus jokin..), i'm a laid bak brotha who doesn't like to get into too many confrontations but if you tryna clown, dont test me!! Lol..but yea..holla at ya boi when yall get da chance..peace World..iTs Da PiPeR! - "the best thing since pants wit pockets!!" I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Prashad
Birthdate: 08 29 88
Birthplace: England
Current Location: Columbus, GA
Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Hair Color: Dirty Brown
Height: 6'1-6'2
Weight: 183
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Virgo Representer!!
Ethnicity: Nappy Head!!
Body Type: Athletic
Favorite Food: Chitlins
Favorite Drink: Pink Lemonade
Baseball Team: Me and baseball aren't friends...
(when) Bedtime: too grown for all that...
Favorite Color(s): Red&Black, Black&White, Tan&White
Favorite Letter: who has favorite letters???
Favorite Number: Deuce Quattro!!! 24!!!
Candy: Anything gummy like!!
Favorite Animal: Cheetah
Favorite Messenger: MSN
Screename: Pretty Eyez
Favorite Store: Man Alive or a Foot Locker type store!!
Most Missed Memory: All my years in Japan!!
Best Physical Feature: Smile
Overused Phrase: dats wussup
First Thought Waking Up: what was her name???
Goal for this year: keep HOPE and get through this first year of college
Weakness: Emotions
Fears: Losing my mom...
Heritage: Straight Up Nigga
Longest Relationship: lil over a year
School's Name: Columbus State University
Favorite TV Show: House, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, or Wayans Bros.
Have You Ever....
Drank: yeszir
Smoked: yeszir..
Dyed Your Hair: naw..
Shoplifted: not anything worth mentioning...
Tried To Do The Splits: yea..
Tried To Do A Backbend: naw..
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: i can do that...
Tried To Do A Handstand: i can do that..
Tried To Act Perfect: naw..
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: definitely
Skinny Dipped: naw..
Had Sex: been there, done that
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: yeszir
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: hugged..yeszir
Been Dumped: yeszir
Done Drugs: hell naw..
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yeszir
Ate Sushi: yeszir..dats whats hott in Japan..
Loved Someone: yeszir
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: same as mine..
Fav Hair Color: doesn't long as it looks good..
Short or Long Hair: long..
Height: shorter than me
Weight: 100-130
Looks Or Personality: both..
Love or Money: love..
Hot Or Cute: either one..
Drugs and/or Alcohol: neither..
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular..
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: Sexy
Random...: down for whatever!!
How Do You Want To Die?: Being able to take care of myself!!
What country do you want to Visit: Spain
Been to the Mall Lately: yeszir
Do you like Thunderstorms: sumtimes..
Shower Daily: yeszir
Do you Sing: yeszir
Want to go to College: i'm here, doing that
Clothes: blue jeans and a redd Fox shirt
Shoes: All black Air Max 90s
Make-Up: wut??
Hair Do: Low cut
Phone: T-Mobile Samsung Slider
Phone Number: don't worry bout all dat!! jus hope you see me!!
Location: i told you!!....Columbus, Dummy!!!
Weather: Cold as Sh!t!!!
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how long have you played bball? Since i was 10
who do you wanna/ or try to play like? Myself...((wit a lil inspiration from Tracy McGrady))
what is your number and why? 24..jus give me 24 seconds and i will score...
fav bball movie? Glory Road
do you have handles? Something like dat..
have you ever been dunked on? once in life..jus last week..LoL
can you dunk? of course my horse
are u deadly from beyond the arc? something like dat..
do you put ppl on lock down with your d? yessir..
what shoes do you roc? Them Wade's or some T-Mac's
do you hate practice? naw..its jus a chance for me to show coach wut i can do..
Pick a Clutch: Robert Horry, Kobe, or Tracy McGrady Tracy McGrady
fav and 1 street ball player? AO
fav bball legend? Pistol Pete
fav college team? DUKE
fav college player? Maurice Ager or Shannon Brown
fav nba team? don't have one..
fav nba player? Tracy McGrady or Dwyane Wade
should there be an age minimum in the nba? naw...if you can ball, you can ball...
Melo or LeBron? Wade
if you could play with 4 other ppl who would they be? Cameron Cooper, Pierre Miller, Will Bynum, and Dwyane Wade
Pick a little big guy: Earl Boykins, Nate Robinson, Jameer Nelson Earl Boykins
Pick a Shooter: JJ Redick, Salim Stoudamire, Gerry McNamara JJ Redick
Lakers of 2000s or Bulls of the 90s? Bulls of the 90s
Pick a PG: Aaron Miles, Chris Paul, Dee Brown Chris Paul
Which Conf is the strongest PAC 10, BIG 12, ACC, SEC, BIG EAST? PAC 10
Best player you have ever played against? Cameron Cooper
Biggest upset in 05 bracket: Kansas/Bucknell, Syracuse/Vermont, WVA/Wake Kansas/Bucknell
should college athletes get paid? yea...they're the only reason Dick Vitale has a job..

You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You? ChelseaMSChelseaMSCapoeria acrobatics!

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My Wife and Kids, House, HBO, Martin, The Wayans Brothers, and some other funny stuff


My moms

My Blog

So Close

I was so close yet so far; now all doors are shut Like I was on American Idol and I didn't make the last cut Her beauty is like an eclipse; only seen ever so often Now she found another attraction; it...
Posted by Mr. Japan on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:03:00 PST

"Good Morning" ... a poem by me..

I open the door Letting you step in first Coming back from our date at Red Lobster The Alfredo was the worst We walk upstairs Taking our soaking clothes off Your silky red dress Exposes your skin; so ...
Posted by Mr. Japan on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:18:00 PST

..a special thank you..

i have one more thank you to give out everybody.  this thanks goes out to the whole city of Warner Robins!! everybody that i've met from Warner Robins and everybody that has been my friend even i...
Posted by Mr. Japan on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:06:00 PST

my thank you's..

well i graduated on May 27th, 2006 and i couldn't have had a more joyous day come upon me!! throughout these past 13 years in skool..((yes 13..including kindergarten))..anyways, throughout these past ...
Posted by Mr. Japan on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 10:48:00 PST

Look At Dis Yall!! and do it Plz!!!

Wussup yall?! go ahead and fill this out for me plz..if yall do it for me then i promise to do it for yall..i kno a lot of ppl are gonna wanna kno dis stuff about demselves and wut otha ppl think of t...
Posted by Mr. Japan on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 03:38:00 PST