"Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond." -Jelauddin RumiI'M READY TO MEET NEW, Positive, energetic, healthy-minded pure beings... people who don't waste precious energy on sacrificing who they are for anyone. People who enjoy life as much as I do and try to make the best out of everything- life is suffering, life is difficult, once we accept this and truly understand it Life is no longer Difficult. I want to meet people who enjoy life and try living as pure as humanly possible. People who bring positive energy into the world & respect themselves, other people, and the Earth. Individuals who treat all people like there human no matter their backgrounds. . .after all no one person is one alone, we are all one. tHE LEGEND- need I say anymore...img src="http://www.tracychapman.co.uk/tracy_chapman.jpg"width=" 300px"height="300px" img TraCy... is a Prophet..in my book!