i see your jocking the pro eh'?
go fuck yourself.
Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!
knoloveknopain22 (7:21:40 PM): i dont breathe
knoloveknopain22 (7:21:48 PM): i inhale and exhale awesome
Carolinehxcyo (4:42:51 PM): *Writes in poop, im bored*
Johnhatesyou6969 (3:26:14 PM): yeah, no offense, but you're pretty scary looking,
i wouldn't mess wih you
carolinehxcyo (8:16:54 PM): H e y - B A B Y , -c a n - i - u r a n a t e - o n - y o u r- leg-?
carolinehxcyo (3:05:15 PM): adderalls for pussys. its the closest thing to being streightedge.
carolinehxcyo (3:05:18 PM):Ewwie
carolinehxcyo (1:04:15 AM): so if you wanna get down on theese hairy balls
carolinehxcyo (1:04:23 AM): why dont you just jump right on innn
carolinehxcyo (1:04:35 AM): its a crotch party right up in heareeare
carolinehxcyo (1:04:48 AM): Why dont you lick up on my johnnnN
lucas rasnick555 (9:02:43 PM): holy shit ur brutal
knoloveknopain22 (8:07:39 PM): & she looks like a shit poopsicle after a hot day in the sunn!
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Some say we drink too much
They say we're just not cool
Well I fucking like to party
It's what I was born to do!Blazing through your last case
Smoking your weed
Smashing your face!Hey man this party sucks
They're all out of beer
How can we party down?
There's no weed here
On to the next one
We'll have a good time
Hanging with ScottyRoo
Committing tank crimes!Onward to your next case
Smoking your weed
Smashing your face
Municipal Waste is gonna fuck you up!
lets slamdancee yo!