19th century french lit, absolutely fabulous, alan watts, alternate reality gaming, amorality, anime hair, ankle bells, arachnids, automatic writing, balanced disconnection, beat poets, beer, belly dance, biochemistry, biotruths, blue velvet, body paint, breathing, burning man, cadence and cascade, chaos, chaos theory, chess, children (particularly my son), climbing trees, clouds, cognitive liberty, cognitive neuroscience of decisions, collecting books, consciousness, constrictors, cowboy bebop, cultural evolution, danny elfman, discordia concors, domestic bliss, dragon-born, duel games, entheogens, evocations, evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, falling in love, geeks, genetics, gor, guild wars, guinness, heart of saturday night, high quality red wine, hiking upstream, hip bones, honor, i've a scientist fetish, illusions, intelligence, intp, intuition, john lilly, jung, kajira, king crimson, kisses behind the ear, koans & stories, language, las vegas, logic, lucid dreaming, meditation, mescaline music, metaprogrammers, metaprogramming, meteor showers, naps naps naps, neural alchemy, neuroscience, neuroscientists with transhumanist agendas, nootropics, overgrown gardens, pale blinds drawn all day, personal responsibility, polyamory, predators, quiet, quiet boys, reiki, relativistic quantum field theory, robert anton wilson, ronin, rpgs, running away, science fiction, seduction claws, semantics, sensory deprivation, sensory overload, sensuality, seto kaiba, sleep deprivation, sound and vision, stories for the spider, strange attractors, strategy strategy strategy, strong wills, subjective observation, subverting the meme, synchronicity, tai chi, tantrism, taoism, tea, the sandman, theoretical physicists, thrift stores, tinker toys, tom waits, transhumanists, tribalism, turbulence, warrior spirit, wiccan camping, wild at heart, wind and rain, wu wei, yoga, zen.
Geek boys and pretty girls.
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Army of Darkness, Barton Fink, Betty Blue, Big Trouble in Little China, David Lynch flicks, Down by Law, Escape From New York, Forbidden Zone, John Carpenter flicks, John Waters flicks, kung fu flicks, Night on Earth, Raising Arizona, Serpant & The Rainbow, True Romance, and so on and so on and so on.
Pretty much the only thing I watch on tv are sports (go steelers!) and Project Runway (yes, yes, and Survivor).
Bukowski, Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Kurt Vonnegut, Neal Stephenson is genius, Richard Bach, Alan Watts, Herman Hesse, 19th cent french lit: Zola, Balzac, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Maupassant, etc. Austen, Henry Miller, F. Scott, Eddings, Salvatore, etc., H S Thompson, Douglas Adams, Robert A. Wilson, Gor, The Way of the Spider ... cripe, too many to f'ing list because then there's the whole *non*fiction side which would need to include: Your Synaptic Self, The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach, Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition, The Ethical Brain and so on and so on and so on.