Having grown up surrounded by his Fathers collection of diverse instruments, Neil Bowerman developed 'an ear' for exploring sonic differences.
At 10 years old he would indulge in his first productions. Using a Philips cassette to cassette recorder with its built-in microphone, Neil would dub pieces of music and speech together to create fictional radio shows.
By 1993, heavily influenced by the 'Rave' scene and artists The Prodigy, Altern8 and the KLF, Neil would fiddle with analogue synths and an Amiga based computer sequencer in his older brothers studio. While still a school boy and not financially able to purchase any of this equipment, it would be a few more years before Neil got his hands on a set up.
By this time it was 2001 and the music most influential to him was 'Trance' and 'House'. It was at this time Neil learnt to programme sequencers and samplers as well as learning synthesis techniques for complete sound manipulation.
It was when he upgraded his PC that the real excitment would come. Finally he could record audio, enabling him to build up fully layered songs with only his modest setup. Once everything was recorded it furthered development for processing and balancing. It would be here where Neil's passion for mixing would evolve.
In 2004 Neil realised the potential of his talent and aimmed to take his skills to the industry to become an Audio Engineer. He would study at SAE Institute London. Here he would make the transition from computer based mixing into the analogue realm using highly professional Neve and SSL mixing consoles. He would learn microphone techniques, outboard processing and an understanding of acoustical influences on sound. His creative boundarys would be stretched, working with bands, DJ's and Songwriters from all different styles.
His confidence with people and of using audio equipment would lead him to his first paid job doing live sound at a mini festival in the summer of 2005. It was there where he met indie rock band 'The Madeleines', who he would later go on to produce an albums worth of songs.
Neil's positive attitude and networking ability led him onto frequent work around London's live music venues. After graduating in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Recording Arts, Neil continued his freelance live sound work.
In the beginning of 2008, one of the Neil's regular venues, The Notting Hill Arts Club, would offer him the posistion of Sound Manager. This position would allow Neil to learn about the configuration of sound systems and its componants. This technical understanding would compliment Neil's artistic side of engineering enabling decisions to be made on both principles.
During the first year Neil would concentrate his efforts into improving the sound quality in the club by revamping old equipment, adjusting the set up, and designing and installing acoustic treatment. A high level of organisation and quality was employed through a team of hard working and skilled sound engineers.
Notting Hill Arts Club, now into its 10th year, holds strong relationships with many music industry heavyweights, including Alan McGee (Creation records, Oasis, Charletons), Seb Chew (Universal, Lilly Allen, Yo Yo), Xenomania (Girls Aloud, Suga Babes), the list goes on!
2008 also saw Neil working for touring production company 'Tour Logistics', engineering Front of House exclusively for bands: Favours For Sailors, Telepathe and Teenagers. Highlights included festivals: The Great Escape, Glastonbury and Field Day.