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Yeah, it's me!!!

About Me

Hey, I'm mike! Originally from Swampscott, MA. Two and a half square miles of boring.Currently I go to Wentworth in boston. I am in the science and management program there. It's a good time!!! I should have already graduated but I took a bunch of time after graduating from high school to work so my start wasn't when it should have been.I work at a bar in boston and also one in harvard sq. It's a fun time. But I also have other jobs that are a lot more 'carreer-esque'. I am officially a published author in the Jewish advocate and my writing is now one of my passions! I would love to talk with you about it so just ask!I am really easy to get along with. I love trying new things and having adventures. My biggest thrill in life is being with other people when they are happy. If that means going somewhere or doing something I might not normally do, I will usually do it!I wish everyone in the world complete happiness. I feel that that is the most valuable possession anyone can ever have!!!I like to party when there's time. I am a straight white guy from the suburbs, so I can't dance, but if I have enough boose in me, I have no problem makin a fool out of myself.I just like to take every day for what it is and try not to let myself get caught up in the politics of life.I encourage you to shoot me an email!
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My Interests

I'm pretty easy to please when all is said and done! I LOVE sports; primarily Baseball and Football. I am in an amateur baseball league in boston! I love hanging out with friends listening to music or watching movies or just doing whatever. I have been known to party, but I also have been known to be pretty chill! I also love to eat. You'd never know it by looking at me, but if u ask anyone who knows me, they will tell u I eat a lot and it's usually crappy no good for you food! But I don't care. I think life is too short to be counting calories I just want to enjoy it!

I'd like to meet:

I'm up for meetin anyone who is up for meetin me. Don't be afraid to send me an email. I like talkin and meeting new people.


I like most types of music. It is pretty difficult to find music that I don't like. Some of my favorite bands are 3 Doors Down, LinKin Park, HIM... Etc. I am not what some might call a "music expert" I like listening to what I like listening to! Don't come at me with music trivia and stuff, cuz I'll be honest with u right now, I just don't know! However, I am ALWAYS willing to learn!


I like movies. I have quite the extensive DVD collection which I love using to entertain guests! I will usually be willing to see any movie once. I'm not going to lie, I do like some chick flicks... but probably not for the same reason they're marketed for. Some of my favorite movies include Spaceballs, Armageddon, Good Will Hunting, and too many others to count! I used to be in film production so I like a lot of movies people would never think I would just because of how they were made!What do YOU like?


Unfortunately these days, with my hectic schedule of work, school, partying, and sleeping once in a blue moon, I don't usually get to watch too much tv. I used to be able to follow shows like ER but now I can't. Some of my all time favorites would be The Simpsons, Family Guy, Boy Meets World, and many others that I just can't think of right now!


I read Sports Illustrated, FHM, and Maxim... does that count?I'm not very much of a book worm. If and when I go on vacation I will bring a book. If I have a long wait like at a doctor or something like it, I will bring a book. Otherwise, I don't read all that often unless required to!!!


Yeah... That's a toughy. I guess that would depend on my mood. I respect and admire anyone who can trully be themselves and treat others as they are really meant to be treated. Unfortunately, in this day and age that doesn't happen too often...

My Blog

The Low Down...

So, many of you may have noticed strange behavior from me... even stranger than normal. And for those of you who I didn't explain things to, I wanted to let everyone know what happened...On my ride ho...
Posted by Kappy on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:59:00 PST

Panties vs. No Panties

So, Am I mistaken in my statement that going to bed with a girl who is not wearing any underwear is like getting a present that's not wrapped? The prize itself does not lower in value, but panties jus...
Posted by Kappy on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:21:00 PST

sad story...

: Roxbury MA (AP) - A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Boston courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of bein...
Posted by Kappy on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:54:00 PST

crazy dream I had!!!

The following is a description of a dream I had on Friday night/Saturday morning.  I apologize if it's difficult to follow, I typed it out as soon as I woke up to hopefully remember it as ac...
Posted by Kappy on Sun, 07 May 2006 04:24:00 PST

Have you ever?

-have you ever mIssed someone so much you can't think of anything else?-have you ever Met someone unexpectedly but felt so happy that you did?-have you ever lIked being around someone so much you didn...
Posted by Kappy on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:31:00 PST

the details

So here's the story...   Everythin had actually been going pretty well for me.  School was looking positive.  Work(s) were going good, living was going good, family didn't suck... ...
Posted by Kappy on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 01:14:00 PST

last night...

How is it a night can start off sooo great and end sooooo poorly?   Stay tuned for more and find out how!   mK
Posted by Kappy on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 11:00:00 PST


 this is a grievance to all you butt heads who think just cuz it's 4am u can run a read light in an intersection.... YOU'RE WRONG! Some ass hole did that tonight and I ended up plowing into him.&...
Posted by Kappy on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:04:00 PST

New Orleans Needs you and I need you!

Hey guys,It's getting to be crunch time. I sent an email a while ago telling you about the program I'm participating in that will bring me and approx. 25 other students to New Orleans to do demolition...
Posted by Kappy on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:38:00 PST

a fairly productive weekend...

Ok, so I actually had a decent weekend.  Which is suprising in a sense seeing as stuff like that doesn't usually happen to me. It began friday night.  I met up with brittany and melanie and ...
Posted by Kappy on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:52:00 PST