Sommer profile picture


*Sommer Dawn*

About Me

Hey ya' name is Sommer Smith and I am from a small town in the middle of no where that we like to call Frenchvegas!! I like to hang out with friends, family, and especially my feller Ricky O!! I love God, church, movies, sports, music and love to hear "460"...Im pretty care free and just try to enjoy life!!
My True Colors
Random Questions 2 Reveal Your True Colors -- Be Honest!!
What is your REAL name?: Sommer Smith
What is your REAL age?: 18
Any kids?: nope
Live alone?: nope..I live w/ a crew!! ;)
.:Q & A:.
Are you a lover or a fighter?: Both
What is your favorite genre of music?: ROCK
Would you lie to protect someones feelings?: stretch the truth, yeah
Do you prefer to love or be loved?: BOTH
Who do you miss right now?: Ricky and my mom!
What is the greatest gift someone can give you?: Chocolate...and i guess ;)
Are you a good friend?: Try my best to be!!
Are you happy with yourself mentally?: mostly i guess
What would you change physically about yourself?: what girl doesn't want to be thinner?
Are you gullable?: some would say yeah ;)
Who is your bestest friend?: Amanda DeBord and all my girls!
If you saw a person trip and fall, what is your first reaction?: lets just say when something isn't supposed to be usually laugh!!
Does size really matter?: not really...
Are you seeing anybody right now?: yep..Ricky O
Would you pick up a hitch-hiker?: No way man
When you see a homeless guy begging for money, do you give it to him?: sometimes
Do you consider yourself a good person?: I would like to think I am
What is your flaw?: Worry alot sometimes
Have you ever cheated on your mate?: No way
Do you put others needs before your own?: Try to
What is the one thing that everbody says you are?: Most ppl say Im nice
Describe your personality with 1 word?: Bubbly
What is your idea of a perfect date?: Just being alone is nice!!
Do you have a criminal record?: I got a ticket once!
Ever been fired from a job?: Nope
Would you help a friend fight even though she started it?: Depending on how bad she was gettin
Do you hold your friends hair when she's throwing up?: Done it several times actually!!
How would you tell someone that they had bad breathe?: haha..not sure...I usually say, What did you eat earlier?
Would you bail your friend out of jail?: Depends on their crime!
Are best friends really forever?: Depends on your best friend...i would like to think mine is!
Describe the perfect evening at home?: Alone, Movies, Pizza and chocolate!! haha
Do you pick a fight on purpose just to have makeup sex?: No..i hate fighting
If you could change the world, what would you do first?: Feed starving kids
Is your artistic viewpoint modern, comtemporary, or traditional?: ah..i dunno
Can you swim?: yep
Do you like bugs?: Most dont bother me, but I hate spiders and horseflies!!!
Do you stop and smell the flowers?: haha....yeah
Do you pray?: Everyday
Do you knowingly break the law?: I have thrown bottles at yeah i guess
Ever committed a felony?: I dont think so
Do you like thunderstorms?: yes..lightening is awesome
Do you curse?: nope..not even when momma aint
What is your favorite past time?: coloring and chillin out w/ friends and Ricky...:)
If you could be with anyone in the world, who would you choose?: Marilyn Monroe..she was a gangster...she slept w/ the president and his brother!!
If you are in an altercation, do you throw the first punch?: No
When you are sad, do you cry or hold it in?: Depends on how sad it is I guess.
If your house is on fire, whats the first thing you'll grab?: My pics!
Are you materialistic?: No
Ever been called a gold-digger?: No
Are you a giver or a taker?: I love to give, but I guess everyone is a taker really!
Have you ever made fun of someone?: ashamed
Is it possible to leave the person you love for your own well-being?: Sacrifice is something you make for love!
Can you love 2 people at the same time?: NO
Is making love and sex 2 different things?: yes
Do you agree with this saying..: what saying?
Are you a homophobic?: I have a couple gay not totally
Do your friends come to you for advice?: yeah
If I were to open the trunk of your car, what would I find?: my closet and JUNK
Would you let your mom see the current pics on your cell phone?: not all of them..haha
If you saw stranger getting beat up, would you help?: probably
.: Your Quote:.: God Love!
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My Interests

God, Church, Hangin out w/ Friends, Sports, Shopping, CARS, 4-wheelers, Riding horses, scattergories, fishin, Nintendo..old school, super mario, Anything PINK, meeting new ppl, seeing new places and trying new things, suckers, guitar hero, "bowling", Ricky O and "guitar lessons!"

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I'd like to meet:

JESUS, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Aubrey Hepburn, Lucille Ball, Ricky Ricardo, 3 Stooges, James Dean, John Wayne, Walt Disney, Sean Connery, Johnny Cash, June Carter, Bruce Lee, Shirley Temple, Judy Garland, Jimmi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Slash, Randy Rhodes, Zakk Wylde and so many more!

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I found a guy and his name is Ricky O... he is all of these things and I love love love him!!!!


I love ALL music...ELVIS...Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Buckcherry, Lifehouse, crossfade, black label society, Hinder, Alanis Morisette, Kid Rock, Pearl Jam, Eagles, Beatles, Three Days Grace, 3 doors down, Seven Mary Three, Black Stone Cherry, creed, poison, seether, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Boyz 2 Men; ), The Fray, Maranda Lambert, Third Day, casting crowns, Mercy Me, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, REO Speedwagon, The Beatles, bob segar, ale greene, Marvin Gaye, Johnny Cash, Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley, Garth Brooks, Randy Travis, Conway Twitty, Josh Turner, George Strait, Akon, Fergie, (Smoke on the, Rickys constant singing lol, "The band"...I like Everything, there is just too many to keep listing!


I love basically all movies!! Forrest Gump, Major Payne, All Disney Movies are great, Wedding Crashers, Just Married, GridIron Gang, Remember the Titans, Varsity Blues, The Covenant, GoodBurger, JackAss2, Wild Hogs, Deja Vu, The Notebook, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Saw I II III, Love & Basketball, You Me and Dupree, Accepted, She's the Man, Sweet Home Alabama, Anchorman, (mine and Kents fav.-Mean Girls), (TMNT, Spiderman, Daredevil..all those movies are great), The Island, The Gaurdian, The Best of Will Ferrell, The Marine, Dirty Dancing 1&2, Grease....oh my..There are so many good movies...


Grey's Anatomy, Everybody loves Ramond, Friends, The King of Queens, CSI, Missing, Law&Order,House, I Love Lucy, Reba, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Sex and the City, American Idol, Punk'd and Yo mamma


The Bible, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Tuesdays w/ Morrie,and The Dave Pelzer series.


ELVIS is the love of my room has pics everywhere!! But, I can't forget Lucille Ball or Marilyn Monroe!
Girly Myspace Layouts

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