Some of my interests would include cleaning the house, washing dishes, ironing I am just kidding....Daniel does all that stuff...If he read this, he would beat my ass.
The little girl that played the gorilla in know "me amy, bad gorrillas"
Lilly Allen is fantastic...I would love to go to England and throw stones at her window and profess my love to her maid who would then give her the message so that she would come and play her songs for me while I am being arrested for trespassing. On a more serious note...she is a genius.
Comedies, horror flicks, and sappy love em.
Desperate Housewives, Lost, any of the shows on VH1 and MTV, although I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit it.
Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights...big favorites
My stepfather, Cliff Turner, who was killed on March 17, 2005, by a drunk driver. He was an amazing father, business man, and husband for my mother. I will miss him eternally.