We must become the change we want to see in the world." - Mohandas Gandhiwww.RootsOfHope.orgEVOLUTION PROJECT:
Initiated in April 2006, the Evolution Project (Evolution) is a call for a cultural evolution defined by respect and solidarity amongst all brothers and sisters of humanity. This project seeks to raise social consciousness through cutting-edge, cultural means informed by history, identity, pop culture, core values, and self-expression. Evolution was initiated by Roots of Hope and is developed in collaboration with various non-profit, non-partisan organizations that promote international solidarity for freedom of expression and respect for human rights throughout the world. This project is envisioned to make respect for human rights as meaningful as a movement and as accessible as a trend.CORE VALUES: love, compassion, respect, humility, hope, and "smart passion"PROJECT COMPONENTS:
- Evolution Campus Tour 2007: Bringing concerts, photo and art exhibitions, film screenings, discussion panels, open forums & special guests to universities exploring social justice; "What is freedom?"; "the Inconvenient Truth" about Cuba; youth expressing themselves against all odds; and "the Power to make change."
- Evolution Artists – Musicians, filmmakers, poets, photographers, and any creative persons are invited to create something in the spirit of Evolution promoting the general message, "the power to make change," the Cuban reality, and/or the need to free people repression in the world at large. Multi-media works and collaborations between groups and artists are greatly encouraged.
- Public Awareness Campaign – Graphic designers invited! Cutting edge designs for postcards, flyers, t-shirts, and other materials are sought out to help raise awareness about repressive societies. These materials are to be distributed at 50+ universities campuses, restaurants, books stores, and bars in major cities, and an int'l network of 20+ countries.
- Clothing – T-shirts, tang tops, wrist bands, and other fashions are being developed, so that you can wear and be part of making change for a brighter world of tomorrow.
- TV Show – In order to reach the greatest audience possible, the Evolution project and the chance to catch youth activist in action, will be pitched to TV networks. Stay tuned...SIGN–ON / SPONSORS:
If you are interested in joining the Evolution Project or becoming a proud sponsor or patron, please write to [email protected] and note (EVOLUTION).
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