I'm looking to meet Open Minded people, people open to "spirituality" in it's looser sense. People in touch with their heart, their minds, and their souls. Remember to pay attention to whether your choices are out of Fear or Love. Choose Love.
People who believe in learning, growing, honesty, and forgiveness. There's no point hurting yourself and others for ever because of anger and hate. Because Karma really does exist, because we are all One and you cannot escape that fact, it's to your advantage to be kind and humble to others.
What we tend to do is block out our own feelings or the feelings of others which is an energy, an connective awareness between us. Eventually, however hard you try to block it all out, however much you try to focus on separation, it (the fact of connectiveness, of Oneness) will become frighteningly apparent again. Hurting another is the same as hurting yourself. Would the right hand chop off the left? Madness! lol ;o)
The concept of Separation, "us,them", "me,you" mentality, was started by some crazy man drawing a line in the sand!! ;o)
I am interested in those who stand out from the crowd, not the Red Dress Types, the programs of the Matrix, who think the chocolate cake tastes nice and that's all there is! ;o)
Oh, and remember there is waaaay more to life than working all week and then drowning your sorrows on a weekend in alcohol and "getting sloshed." Exactly, so I'd like to hear from those who respect this amazing experience, this inexplicable miracle, we call "life".
p.s. I Love you ALL! XxXxXxXxXxXxX
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