Absolute AnswersHave you ever heard anyone say that truth is relative? Maybe you’ve even heard someone say, "Your truth isn’t necessarily my truth. What’s true for you may not be true for me." Ever say that yourself?Some people think that truth and standards of right and wrong change from decade to decade or from person to person. They make choices based on society’s or their peers’ definitions of right and wrong. Like Judges 21:25 says, "The people [do] whatever seem[s] right in their own eyes" (Judg 21:25). Does that describe anyone you know?Magazines, newspapers, and the Internet carry story after story about lifestyle choices: an unmarried couple who lives together before marriage ("After all, we’re in love"); a person who finally decides to break "free" of the shackles of heterosexual life to explore his or her "true" nature as a homosexual; a teen who just wants to be free to express his or her sexuality; a pastor who decides to bless the union of a same-sex couple—the list goes on and on. If you didn’t catch those, just wait for the follow-up talk shows and movies. Many of these choices are made in the name of tolerance and other forms of political correctness. Those opposed to these lifestyle choices are viewed as intolerant, especially if society gives them the green light.Wondering what’s truly right or wrong? The Bible provides definite answers. The Ten Commandments and other laws reveal God’s standards of right and wrong. Take murder for example. God says no to that. What about adultery? Don’t even think about it. Stealing? Ditto. But honoring God and your parents are good moves.Although times change, God’s standards never do. "Your eternal word, O Lord, stands firm in heaven" (Ps 119:89). "The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever" (Ps 119:160). Because God’s standards always are the same, some are quick to describe the Bible as old-fashioned or lacking in relevance. Others might ignore it because the resent being measured by its standards. What’s your view?