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About Me

My loving husband sent me this quote to get me out of a funk. Thought I'd share. "Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your actions. Keep your actions positive, because your actions become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your bestiny." -Gandhi plain layout @ HOT music / movies

My Interests

I like making crunchy sounds. Crushing crackers with a potato masher and stepping on accorn caps.


I am addicted to Pandora. If you have not been there yet, then you need to take a break from the "myspace universe" and get your happy but over to check it out. Very cool.


We watch a lot of cartoons around my house. "Howl's moving castle" is a favorite, if only because the main character is named Sophie! Also there is a short claymation film "Harvie Krumpet" that everyone should see. I love all of Ralph Bashki that I've seen, with the exception of "Heavy Traffic," which I didn't care for. I pick "Star Wars" over "Indiana Jones" because Indiana was just a little to sweaty for me!


I watch all the "Chick" shows. Grey's Anatomy. Desperate Housewives.... I like the NBC Thursday night. Top Chef. And (go ahead and call me a geek) Heroes. Family Guy makes me CRAZY! Ashley thinks it's funny that I get so mad at a cartoon. I am still upset that Carnival was canceled. And I wish I had the strength to boycot The Sopranos, but will probably watch it, even though this wait has really pissed me off. Oh, yes! NINJA WARRIOR!


I have stopped reading books. I know that sounds so terrible, but I can never get anything done once I start a book. It doesn't even have to be a good book. I just get so caught up that everything else in my life gets neglected (children, housework, even hygene!) And seeing that everyone in the world is so much better off if I do shower, I think I'll just let my brain turn to mush.