Hoi, hoi u embleer Hrair, Msaion ule hraka vair.
Once upon a time a dhind indie punk rock band was born. They were born in a little garage behind Somerfield supermarket in Lindfield, because thats where their instruments were and they thought that it would be easier to play them that way. For a long time Matt didnt bother coming to rehearsals, because he didnt realise that he was in the band yet. Amy thought the first good sign came from a gentleman who lived next door who described the band as quite good.
By and by Tom decided that they needed to find out whether people would listen to the songs or throw fruit, so he jumped on a plane and flew to Zimbabwe and went to try some out at the book cafe. He was mistaken for a folk singer from Avondale and vowed never to play an acoustic guitar on stage again.
Back in Lindfield, Amy had managed to get the band evicted from their rehearsal room and Matt still hadnt made it to any practices because still, neither Amy nor Tom had told him he was in the band. They moved to London, to practice in a little hole in Limehouse and finally told Matt he was in the band, and he said oh.
They practiced every Friday night while the other children played - well almost every Friday ok, the occasional Friday - anyway, they nearly became good at playing their songs and recorded some with 2 SQNs into Matts minidisc recorder. Matt promptly deleted their hard work and Amy especially began talking about him in hushed tones and mentioning cutlasses until he visited a nanga who told him where to find the songs so they could go on the website.
Then the unthinkable happened and they actually got a gig.
Their first gig in Bethnal Green went well, and by and by, after a little stop over in Camden for the second gig, the band would return to the aptly named pleasure unit to headline what was only actually their 3rd ever show. Little did they know, that they were only at the very beginning of this adventure and theyd need all the rockn'roll dhind indie they could muster if they were to get through it with their bunny ears intact.