ChristinA SancheZ (Sexy Tina) profile picture

ChristinA SancheZ (Sexy Tina)

… Long hair the color of night, skin the color of gold, her eyes where that of a Lioness, she was

About Me

CHRISTINA SANCHEZ "THE OFFICIAL PAGE IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION"!!!! GET READY FOR THE HOTTEST B-DAY BASH OF THE YEAR!!! HOSTED BY THE QUEEN OF PHILADELPHIA "SEXY TINA"... (This is a New York Event) I look so HOT on this Flyer!!! LOLChristina Sanchez "Your Conecction to The STARZ/Tu Conection A Las Estrellas" Television Host/Radio Personality... ..Christina Sanchez AkA Sexy Tina on El Circuito TV being Interviewed by Xman (Host of El Circuito TV)...Only El Circuito TV Takes you to Arcangels CasA... Coming SOON~ AND HE TOLD ME SOMETHING THAT NO-BODY KNOWS YET... Shhhhh you have to See this interview!!!My Love Slaves... I am there Goddess ... LOL just Kidding ... De La Ghettos Dancers...Welcome to My page Sexy People!!! This is a Picture of me getting ready to Shoot with Ken Konley... Check Back to see my new shoot coming soon~ It’s Gona Be BananaZZZZZ!About Me… … I have a really crazy life … there’s always something for me to do … If I wrote a book it would be crazy … every one always tells me you should write a book TinA~ My dream was always to become a radio personality … I just thought it was perfect for me because I love to talk and I love to Party … and Radio Personality’s get paid to talk and party~ i.e. Hosting clubs and Talking on the radio Plus I love music, Music, MUSIC… It all started when I was 19. I started doing auditions and I landed a job as a host for this TV show called The VIP Section. It was a music video show and they gave me a job as the Host of a 30min Segment on Latin Music it was called “Mundo Reggaeton”… I was so nervous at first but it was awesome… After that show aired I was asked to come on La Mega to talk about the show and do a radio interview… I think it was DJ Redz that invited me. At the time he was working on La Mega as a radio DJ. Ok so anyway, I did the interview and the next day I got a call from Bad Boy one of the personality’s on the station and he asked me to join his show… I was like HELL 2 the YEAH… after that for get it! My radio name was Sexy Tina… dam and that shit stuck! Now Every Body calls me Sexy Tina it’s crazy~ I remember it was Me, Bad Boy, and DJ Kure… The night show, our shit was popin. I started hosting clubs like CRAZY! ~and that’s how it all started for me! Who ever knows me for real knows that I’m a cool as person. I’m down to earth funny, silly, goofy and mad fun to be around when you’re on my good side. But I can be a real bitch if I don’t like you… I’M really popular so you know that there’s always somebody that has something to say but at the end of the day that doesn’t bother me a BIT because I’m still going to be me and follow my dreams NO Matter WHAT. Any way Enjoy My Page…Leave a Comment, Message or Whatever … I try to Get to them All~ Love Tina P.S -I Wont Stop Until I Get Where I Want To Be, So Watch Me GroW~SHOUT OUT TO MY BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER DJ OMEGA!!!! CATCH HIM ON NBC 10 EVERY MORNING ON THE MORNING SHOW~Check out all My Exclusives with your Favorite Latin Artists on ///~Who's NeXt...~ I Love My Beautiful Friends... New Picture Saturday May 3rd @ Club Shampoo for La Mega RUMBA!!!!

My Interests

Pero SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... hahahahaha (Song and Pic Inside Joke) lolHosting Devo's Bday Bash with Nick Diddy and the HOttesT Dj's in NYC~... Thank you Milca And Eddie J For all your Patients in Training me, Even though I Was super Nervouse, your true proffesionals and Great friends!!! Tina....Zion BabYYYY .... Another Backstage Exclusive With Christina Sanchez....ha ha ha … ~Crazy!The Beauty of The Bad Landz... Christina Sanchez (La MaS BellA)Teen Mardi Gras Bash in NYC April 21st!!!!! Ooooo I can't Wait!!! Love parting with the Youngins they have the Energy to keep up with me!!! LOLChristina Sanchez Host of "Mi Casa Es Tu Casa" on El Circuito TV... Arcangel Coming Soon...Shout Out to my little cousin Mellisa!!! She's the only one that knows how to do my hair in the Movie Star Soft curls that I love!!!! I call her Mellisa StYlez... Check her. Hair salon out on B and Tioga!!! Oh yes it's great to have a cousin that owns a hair salon... LOL Kisses*Join Me, Stef La Kallejera, & Miss Stacy as we host Big Tazz Birthday Bash in the Big City NY For Laddies Night!!! It's Gona Be BananaZZZ...These Are Just a Few of The Artists That I've Interviewed

I'd like to meet:

OnlY JESUS... EVERY ONE ELSE IS JUST A REGULAR HUMAN LIKE ME .... Hope You Enjoyed My Page! Come Back Soon... Luv, ChristinA Sanchez aka Sexy Tina.


Tina Sanchez Host of Mundo Reggaeton on the VIP Section TV show.

Movies: Make sure you stay tunned to this show... This season we have interviewed some of the Hottest Reggaeton Super Stars ... Heres a sneak peek at whats to come... Christina Sanchez AND Tego Calderon


THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!!Life is Short and We are all going to DIE someday ... so Do What ever you Want before you DIE ...Who cares what People think!!! :-)... Welcome to My Page!!!!


Think and Grow RICH!!! By Napoleon Hill...


Meeeeeeeeee, Myself, and I Muahhhhhhhhhhh!!!... lol

My Blog


Posted by ChristinA SancheZ (Sexy Tina) on Fri, 09 May 2008 03:31:00 PST

For The Ladies!!!

Your worth goes Down After you've Been Around So Ladies think Twice Before you Pull Your Panty's Down ... Lol,  I just made that up! ...
Posted by ChristinA SancheZ (Sexy Tina) on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 06:30:00 PST