Member Since: 20/06/2006
Band Members: Sniffle Records is the dream of two biologically unrelated brothers. They are the mighty Sniffle Brothers. they roam the land picking up talent wherever they spot it and promise to make them stars. On the whole this involves working in the legendary Pamplemousse Studios with its crack team of sound engineers and Snifflateers.Sniffle Records was founded in 1957 and has produced some good, solid work ever since then. You may remember Gracie Spoons whose sweetsongs helped our boys through the Suez Canal crisis. The younger reader may remember The Sniffle Experiment that brought together many of Sniffle Records' older, Cuban stars and teamed them up with German DJs and rap-artistes.Whoever you are, Sniffle Records is the record label for you.Why not visit our real websites and immerse yourself in the beauty that is Sniffle or watch this film to learn more.
Sniffle Records - Swansea's best kept secret! Sniffle Records - the secret's in the process by which the songs are made! Sniffle Records - gets right to the heart of the wash! Sniffle Records - putting the Sniffle in Records! Sniffle Records - because we are worth it! Sniffle Records - brewed for a better taste! Sniffle Records - you know you love it!Sniffle Records - try it, you'll hate it! Sniffle Records - ate is where the heart is! Sniffle Records - take me out, tonight! Sniffle Records - singing for your pain! Sniffle Records - saved for eternity! Sniffle Records - free and breezy! Sniffle Records - you know you love it!
Influences: We have been influencd by many people, scents and foodstuffs. The Sniffle Records sound has undergone so many influences that it has been switch-racketted up flimsy partways so often that it cannot be quantified.Of course, Pamplemousse Studios has had a lot to do with the sound. that sound of cheapness, poorly trained staff and plumbing problems (both personal and within, under or on the building).Clearly cheese has also played its part. Where would the song Justine have come from it it wasn't for Edam, or My Way without the helping hand of stilton and sherry?
Sounds Like: The members of bands signed to Sniffle Records are many, varied and quite amazingly attractive. Some of them are posh and others a common. Some are tall, while others are really quite short. And everything inbetween!Really, there is no better way of finding out about the members of the bands of Sniffle Records than to listen to them in action. Happily for you, dear punter, you can hear them here and elsewhere, here and there.
Type of Label: Major