Drug edicate, responsible drug use-paticularly psychedelics shamanism, music, painting,bein in love-on all levels,metaphysics, bio-energetics,bhuddism,mind POWER BITCHES!!! creatin my reality, travelin singin.
UHHHHHHH brad pitt, i dont know i dont be worshippin Celebs terence mckenna , personally i dont give a fuck bout celebs,
sleepytime gurrella museum, idiot flesh, tool, bright eyes, nick drake, anything beuatiful and intelligent, radiohead, elliot smith,bob dylan, moldy peaches, immortal technique, dead prez, cat stevens,battles,Bruce cockburn,
pi,lain:the serial expiriments,matrix,star wars(psychedelic as fuck)what the bleep do we know?
Fuck television(the strongest opiate of all), except independent media of course.
DMT-the spirit molecule(rick strassman), galapogos-kurt voneget, True Hallucinations-terence mckenna
terence mckenna and yoda, myself , jesus, psychedelics,and my friends, BAM!