In the fall of 1999, three childhood friends came together to combine their musical interests into a band named QUANTA. Hailing from Northeast Ohio, CD, Rybo, and Sweddy picked up drumsticks, a guitar, and bass to begin their journey into the musical world. Since their inaugural meetings, QUANTA released 4 demos in their fist years prior to their college graduations.
In the spring of 2006, QUANTA began writing intensively for their debut full-length album. After more than 300 hours in the studio, QUANTA had a compiled a project that was hailed by critics as their best work to date. In January of 2007, the debut album entitled Have Moved You was released. In an effort layered thick with energy and emotion, its eclectic mesh of genres connected on all levels. From the electronic-influenced 'Dicey Neighborhood' to the delta blues influenced 'Sun Means Rain,' QUANTA preserves catchy sing-along choruses set within a refreshing maturity rarely seen these days.
The accessible sound and tight charismatic live performance of QUANTA has propelled them from the local scene to the national stage. Their unique blend of blues, funk, and gospel influences has transformed the ordinary sound of rock music. With QUANTA's meaning deeply rooted in energy and the feeling of flow, they've created the unmistakable QUANTA sound.
"A Will"
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