Timmy D profile picture

Timmy D

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm tied up and twisted the way I like to be, so come crash into me. I like watching the sand blow across the bike path in the afternoon. Old people who shuffle in their walk are awesome. I tell people to hold their breath and I take pictures of their insides, how strange. Here, drink this, trust me its what needs to be done, the doctor said so, Hmmmm, sceptic I'm sure. Quiet streets are nice, so is my housemate, she cooks.While trying 'clip-in' shoe pedals on my bicycle for the first time I fell over in the drive way. The dogs laughed. I like coffee and water depending on the time of day and want to hold the local record for the most wine corks, we'll see. Shola makes me smile and Tony gets me drunk. Do you want a double or tripple? nonfat or soy? god, coffee drinkers! Old 'Captain' plays Out On The Reef on his beat up guitar, he's homeless but a genius and does Yoga in the park. I'm a speeding red bullet, hurling through these crowded streets. If I just keep pedeling, life won't catch up with me, Or so I think.MySpace Layouts MySpae Layouts

My Interests

Rock climbing, taking x-rays, watching gnarly surgeries, ride biking, drinking coffee and wine.

I'd like to meet:

My brother .. ..


I heart 'B' sides spinnin on my record player.


is ok, I don't watch it


The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, pretty much amazing. Albert Camus-ahhhh. ..


Anyone who does not stand idle by and watch life move passed them, get out, be active and smile a little-its ok!

My Blog

I don’t like cars

Its 7:15 in the morning and I am riding my bicycle to work as I often do.  Its pretty much just like any other morning, just cruising along on my beautiful, new baby triathlon bike (I l...
Posted by Timmy D on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:48:00 PST

Car accident...

Yeah, a car accident! What a bummer.Monday morning, around 7:15am, driving to work, down a quiet sidestreet Colorado, heading towards the hospital to start the week.I'm just cruising along, listening ...
Posted by Timmy D on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 09:00:00 PST

The bike trip

I didn't feel like sitting at home over Labor day weekend and so I decided to pack my bike full of gear and head up the coast for a four day, solo biking trip along PCH and the 101.  It star...
Posted by Timmy D on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:32:00 PST

Beware-bloody story with pictures

Soooo...not quite sure how this happened.   I was standing with my bicycle after having just got back from getting some things to go on a bicycle trip this weekend.  But I took a couple...
Posted by Timmy D on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:06:00 PST