47th Parallel profile picture

47th Parallel

About Me

This is an invitation... This is more than music, more than a band. This is feeling, this is experience, and most of all this is an attempt at filling a void. The outlet for a lost generation. Through music and lyrics a piece of yourself can be found. The 47th Parallel takes you on a ride of pleasure and pain. Though scars may never fully heal, they are a memory, a part of us, and a bridge to someone's broken heart. This music is our hope... our hope that we may connect and heal the lost generation of our time.
Kel Clark: Audio Technica Microphones, '83 Yamaha EMX 200, Yamaha Speakers.
Sean Rogers: Gibson Les Paul, ESP and Ibanez Basses, Takamine Proline and Ibanez Acoustics, Fender cabs, Fender Heads and Eminence Subwoofer, Peavey Electronics, Jim Dunlop and Brain Picks, B-52 Strings (48-10) .
McKay Alliston: Warwick Basses, MC Custom Basses 5-String and fretless 6-String , Trace Elliot Heads and SWR Cabinets.
Randal Smith: Tama Drums, Gilbralter Hardware, Evans G2 Heads,Zildjian A custom & Z custom cymbals, Promark 747, Bose ear buds, D.W pedals

My Interests


Member Since: 2/2/2005
Band Website: www.myspace.com/stagnantrocks
Band Members:
Kelly Clark - Vocals/Lyrics

Sean Rogers - Guitars/Back-Up Vox/Loops&Engineering/Music and Compositions

McKay Alliston - Bass

Randal Smith - Drums

(Counting Crows)
(Pearl Jam)
(Johnny Cash)
(Red Hot Chili Peppers)
(Dave Matthews Band)

Sounds Like:
Oh man, that's a hard question, who do we sounds like? well we definately aren't emo. Well, not all of us.........I dunno, you'll just have to listen and make up your own mind.

Record Label: KneeJerk Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

post a comment on the new tracks, let the band no what ya think

Posted by on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 09:59:00 GMT

we got some new music up check it out!

this was recorded @ bianary studio in bellingham washington,these tracks are not finshed.   
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 10:03:00 GMT

hey everyone! this randel and check it out

hi I'm the new drummer for this band which i have to say is the best group of guys that i have played with yet,and i have been around a while.its cool because everything fits between us personality an...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 13:52:00 GMT