Rhythm is a deep thing. Someone once said that rhythm is what time sounds like. Every sound has a rhythm. Light has a rhythm. The electrical circuits in the computer you are using have rhythms. The electrical pulses running through your body as you read this have rhythm. Your intestines have rhythms. The universe has rhythm. Rhythm is everywhere! We can’t possibly escape it! So why not embrace it?!
This is why I play the drums. I hear rhythms everywhere. Why not converse with them? Why not explore them? Why not ask questions about them? Why not seek to discover what can be learned from them? Surely, rhythm holds many clues about the universe. Rhythm can afford us greater understanding of how the universe works and, more importantly, why.
I currently play with several artists and bands here in Philadelphia, including Matt Halley, Innerfluents, Mark the Day in Blue, Charles Ramsey, and Elle Odessa. I have played in many other bands including Lemonsoul, Byrne Works, Alioune Guisse and Warref, and Dr. Naqleus.
I teach jazz drums, I read, I make tea in cool steeper thing that my mom gave me, I drink coffee every day, I like all kinds of music, and pretty soon I might start subsitute teaching.
If you are interested in drum lessons, drop a line here or email me at [email protected].
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