.. .. <msprm name="movie"
Where do i start, JimiHendrix, TheGreatfulDead, PinkFloyd, TheDoors, LedZeppelin, BobMarley, BlackSabbath, TheBeatles, JamesBrown, EricClapton, CCR, LynardSkynard, TheMeters, Steppenwolf, CurtisMayfield, ParliamentFunkadelic, JaniceJoplin, IronButterfly, BobDylan, JoeTex, TheStringCheeseIncident, Phish, GLoveandSpecialSauce, TheSchwag, Marazene, MaggotTwat, SumthinEZ, SplatteredBrains, Mr.Lif, Fugazi, ThePixies, RageAgainstTheMachine, Sublime, Sepultura, Pantera, WhiteZombie, Tool, Primus, Metallica, GunsNRoses, Gwar, GreenJelly, SteveMillerBand, JohnnyCash, TomPetty, DaveMatthewsBand, RedHotChiliPeppers, OtisRedding, Johnny"Guitar"Watson, Danzig, Nirvana, STP, Cake, SoundGarden, Weezer, NoDoubt, 311, Incubus, Isotope217, WeatherReport, Tortoise, TheSeaandCake, RadioHead, Portishead, TheWhiteStripes, BloodhoundGang, TenaciousD, Filter, PearlJam, ViolentFemmes, AliceinChains, Beck, AphexTwin, Type-o-Negative, Korn, CoalChamber, DefTones, SystemOfADown, ModestMouse, Bjork, MarylinManson, NIN, Mr.Bungle, Buckethead, FaithNoMore, ButtholeSurfers, MachineHead, Slipknot, StaticX, Candiria, CannibalCorpse, Chimaira, Converge SixFeetUnder, DyingFetus, DillingerEscapePlan, NotoriousBIG, NAS, SnoopDOGGYDog, BustaRyhmes, E-40, DoOrDie, The Pharcyde, ATribeCalledQuest, CypressHill, Gravediggaz, WuTang, OutKast, Ludacris, JayZ, IceCube, EazyE, ODB, TheRoots, Atmosphere, TheBeastieBoys, GoodieMob, Common, CrucialConflict, Dr.Dre, AesopRock, JediMindTricks, CannibalOx, CRayz, MFDOOM, MadVillain, Verbal Kent, De La Soul, Hangar18, Del The Funkyhomosapien (Deltron3030"It's3030!"),........I'm not done I'm just taking a break!
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