Big Brother Chris profile picture

Big Brother Chris

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Get your clock at ---First off something I should have done a long long time ago. I want to say THANK YOU to my Lil Brother Justin for helping me put my myspace page together. Without his help I never would have done it.I like making new freiends from everywhere and enjoy chatting with them.I live in Worcester, Mass. in the USA. I don't like it here, never have and can't waite till I move.I'm gay, hopefully that is not a problem with anyone, if it is oh well what can I say. Friends all say I have a very out going personality and a big heart to match. I believe reality is a fact of life, deal with it. I like to eat any type Italian food, (moms an excellent cook) swim, skate board, go to the movies. I enjoy going to watch the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I'm loyal to all my friends, I got their backs always and would fight to the death defending them. Anything else about me just ask. ------------ ------ This awesome myspace layout is from ------

My Interests

Making new friends, chatting on line, photography, flying, going to concerts and movies, church, doing things to make life easy for my mom, cooking, swimming.------

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I'd like to meet:

With out a doubt, my bestest Lil' Brother Justin, his dad David, my very specvial friend Kevin, Richard P. my friend, Angelboy Lee, Bratty Matty, Cody, Ryan, my 2 special friends Franky D. and Shawn W.., my friend Kevin, the NEXT President of the United States, The Gov. of the Great State of Massachusetts, Mr. Deval Patrick, Reba Macintyre, Garth Brooks, Dr. Phil and Judge Judy, and when my time comes to depart this great earth, God almighty my maker


I don't have any real favorite type of music. I like country, hip hop, light rock ---


I like anything with a lot of special effects and action. Movies I have seen more than once include: ET, Selena, Titanic, Apocolypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Monster Inc., Independence day, Omen. ---


Some of my favorite TV shows are: American Idol, Law and Order CSI, Cops, NYPD Blue, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy, Queer Eye for Straight Guy, Queer as folk, Oz, all Red Sox baseball games and New England Patriots football games,WWE Monday Night Raw, Discovery medical channel, Sci-fi chnnl., local programming from my home town. ------


I read enough in school.


------ My heros, lets see, if I leave any out please forgive me. My MOM, putting up with me all my life, she has to be a hero.Next would be my Lil Brother Justin, he faced uncertinties back in May 2006 and went through a very delicate operation, and did not complain once. While he was recovering he reached out and helped other kids in the hospitol that were going through the same thing he was.My friends Richard, Bratty Matty, Angelboy Lee, these guys give so much of them selves to others in need, and they look for nothing in return. And last but not least, all the sick angel boys and girls who fight every day to get better no matter whats wrong with them and do so without complaining, but look to help where they can with other sick kids.---Lil_bro_justin ----------------------------------------------- Robert ------------------------------------------------ Derek ------------------------------------------------ Franky

My Blog


Lying is a Necessity! Truth Hurts and Pangs of Pain! Oh well i really don't know what to say here lol... just feel like writing about these stuff... and just want to share my POV as usual... argh! so...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST

Moments of our lives

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We h...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:58:00 PST

The mayionnaise Jar and the coffee

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar... and the coffee... A professor stood before his philosophy class and had s...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:05:00 PST

"From this point on"

It's easy to think of yourself as the person you have been. Yet it is far more powerful to see yourself as the person you can become. The mistakes and disappointments of the past may seem to be a maj...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:31:00 PST

"The Last Dance

Nevermore the cries of unsatisified love and life be absent from me, never again to be the peacefull boy I was before, by the light of the sinking moon over the lake, my lake. The aroused fire of the...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST

What I'm thankful for on this day and everyday

What I'm thankful for&. Today being Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, I have thought of all the things Iam, thankful for before I had dinner, with turkey and all that goes with it. I'm than...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 01:04:00 PST

Good Friends or fair weather friends?

I have friends from all over. friends here in my home town, friends from the internet and lots of friends here in myspace. But sometimes I wonder about them. Are they loyal friends that woul...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:25:00 PST

Thank you

To all my friends here on my space, thank you very much for all you awesome birthday wishes. I really appreciate. God bless you all. Chris...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 08:57:00 PST

Summer Ends

Summers End Yes the fun in the sun time is rapidly coming to a close. No more swimming at your favorite beach, no more skating, no more hiking, no more camping. With this happening, we turn to getti...
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:25:00 PST

Happy 4th of July

To all my friends on my space, I hope you all have a safe and Happy 4th of July. Big Brother Chris
Posted by Big Brother Chris on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 04:15:00 PST