On This Day....
I will try to be happy.My happiness is a direct result of my being at peace with myself;what others do or think will not determine my happiness.on this day....
I will acccept myself and live to the best of my ability.on this day....
I will say what I mean and mean what I say.on this day....
I will not tackle all my problems at once but live moment to moment at my very best.on this day....
I will live my life by being assertive,not aggressive;being humble,not proud; being confident to be exactly who I am.on this day....
I will be kind to those around me. I will be agreeable,finding no fault with others. Nor will I try to improve or regulate others.on this day....
I will remind myself that god has a special place in his heart for me and a special purpose for me to fulfill in the world
Misc Myspace Layouts in Myspace Layouts