Loren profile picture


Coolometer reading of 9.1 megafonzies

About Me

My name is Loren and I am a recent grad from West Chester University. I invest in real estate properties in the Pennsport area of South Philadelphia. Currently, I am doing a lot of renovational work, but I hope to have my own company up and running within a few years.I own a couple of domain names which will be sources of income in the not too distant future. Although chances to succeed in the web domain industry were a lot higher before the .com crash, I have purchased domain names that stand out, and they have the potential to be highly profitable. They are currently under development. If there are any advanced HTML gurus who specialize in creating timed multiple choice exams, hit me up.And yeah, although I use this site to keep in touch with old buds, and to network, I hope to meet some new people in the area with this thing. I have recently moved back to Philadelphia after a 5 year stint in West Chester and I really don't know that many people around here.AIM - TreesOfOblivion

My Interests

The American Civil War, Gettysburg, Traveling, Traveling to Gettysburg, Watching and playing sports, World Cup soccer, the late 80s, Early 90s, History, Baby Dinosaurs, Science and Space, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, SciFi, the Idea of Time Travel, String Theory, Conspiracy Theories, the Paranormal, Ghost hunting, Myths, Guitar, Live Music, Moshing, Animals, Severe Weather, the Outdoors, Deep thought, Peace of mind, Reproduction.

I'd like to meet:

Fellow Screaming Trees fans, Egg Harborians, Aliens, God, or Vince Papale. Any one of em, Doesn't make a difference.



Mark Lanegan, Love Battery, Nirvana, STP, Afghan Whigs, AIC, Old Green Day, Pink Floyd, Collective Soul.



The Naked Gun series, Fletch, Almost Heroes, Contact, In-Vince-able: The Vince Papale Story, The Last of the Mohicans, The Garbage Picking Field Goal Kicking Philadelphia Phenom starring Tony Danza



PBS, Futurama, Ghost hunters, Engineering Disasters, Worlds Greatest Sports Disasters.






My Blog

Hello Past

I'm posting a blog from the year twenty ten and it's pretty damn sweet. I lucked out on a few trades on ameritrade. I aquired shares of Reebok corporation and shares of this new kind of rubb...
Posted by Loren on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:12:00 PST

Toy Ovens

Recently, nearly 1 million Hasbro "Easy-Bake" Toy Ovens were recalled. Consumer Product Safety Commission on Tuesday recalled 985,000 Easy-Bake toy ovens after finding that kids' hands and fingers can...
Posted by Loren on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:46:00 PST

Boycott China

http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/08/04/china.dogs.ap/in dex.html The inhumane killing of 50,000 dogs in the past week wasn't enough. Here comes the second wave of beatings.What is wrong with this ...
Posted by Loren on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 12:58:00 PST

Somewhat SERIOUS blog

It has come to my attention that Geno's in Philadelphia recently implemented a new serving policy. It states that iff you do not speak English, you do not get served. The sign above the order window s...
Posted by Loren on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 11:29:00 PST

Screaming Trees are just better

Yeah, well, yesterday I  brought out a few of my old Cds and gave them a listen while at work The music did as much to me as a kick in the crotch. Nothing, as I wear a cup at all times. Once you ...
Posted by Loren on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:11:00 PST

Being a Traveler

The final week in October will serve as a much needed break. Recently approved for a week vacation from the hell that is UPS, I am deciding to spend that time on the road. School can take a backseat t...
Posted by Loren on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 11:06:00 PST

taking it easy..

to the extreme!!!
Posted by Loren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I was involved in car accident today when some old dude ran a stop sign. Fortunately, I was able to avoid a head on collision by swurving out of the way. My car isn't all that jacked up, but my bac...
Posted by Loren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Electric Eel Shock

This band played at Rexs About 75 people were at the show The concert was a jam! It was a knockout! Electric Eel Shock.. Electric Eel Shock.. Electric Eel Shock..
Posted by Loren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cold hard fact

Man, a lot of you people are freakin dorks.
Posted by Loren on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST