take a gander to the right at the about me section------------- -------------- ---------------
Jesus would be super cool to meet (then I could ask him why God made mosquitoes), Ehud too(if you don't know who he is, check out Judges 3:12-30)...I like meeting people who can make me laugh.
rap, rock, a lil bit of country, some classic disney songs, some oldies, some classical, opera...
The Man who knew too little, Lord of the rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Seven brides for seven brothers, Starwars, Spiderman, Incredibles, The gods must be crazy, Return to me, Princess Diaries, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Congeniality, Sister Act, Napoleon Dynomite, Waking Ned Divine, My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
I don't really watch tv...
The book I read the most is the Bible. Or anything by Frank Peretti or Ted Dekker...
Christian missionaries who give up everything and devote their lives to God to do whatever's planned for them. Missionarys are hard core people, and are awesome examples of how God works through people!!