Snowboarding, my 3 dogs, reading, and hang out side, camping, Parting, and be a Entrepreneur. "In order to succeed you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing and believe in what you are doing."Please note guys, that I am here for networking/friends/working , I am not here for dating or any other funky sexual ideas you my have. I am sorry that I have had to put this in black and white, I don't need e-mail after e-mail asking me these things .
Hey Guys, Check out Nu Apperal Medical Clothing Line, to see girlfriends’ new business, and to support Vancouver's Newest Entrepreneur....
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Pretty much any kind of films I enjoy, but mostly funny ones.
TLC Any thing that has to do with medical, and your standard funny shows. Like Family Guy, Friends, Eveybody hate Chris, etc..... Get the point
More cool stuff at!
Well i read alot of books, but most of the deal with the human body and mind. (which maybe gay to you)
me, myself and I