We often think God demands so much of us and we pull away out of fear. But my sisters and brothers, he only wants to love us, in a way you've never known. Our own insecurities keep us from him, we feel we aren't perfect, we aren't worthy or we know how BAD our mess is and feel it is completely disrespectful to come into God's presence this messed up. So we say we aren't ready and try so hard to put an end to the things we do or honestly know we don't know how to end it so figure we'll never know God. This is the biggest trick the devil ever played on you! God knows where you are, he knows who you are, he knows what you are going through and most of all he knows what you are to become. If you accept him, you will learn that he will carry your burdens, he will wash you clean and make you a new creature. The things you struggled with , won't be a struggle anymore but you must allow Him to do it. I am a living example, a living testimony, I am no different from you if not worst when I was in the world. I smoked weed, I dropped out of HS, I was promiscuous and I even claimed being an atheist. But GOD changed that all! It all started with faith. Simply believing in him, trusting him, trusting his word. I pray this page and these songs bless you as they have blessed me. Please come out and worship with us at any of the events listed.