Hot And Heavy Is The Only Way!
Real Boy Kiss Boys, and Real Girls Kiss Girls
Gay... It's just like being straight... Just sexier!!!
Playful Kiss
The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for that person. You just go with the flow!
Black and Red
Hott...You are black and red PlayBoy bunny!
A little bit of everything....
Anyone with a good personality, an open mind, and has a love for life is ok by me! Everyone has an opinion and the right to express it... but if it's a negative one I tend to get bored and stop paying attention(and sometimes that just happens for no good reason LOL). Drama?... NEXT!!!
Be assertive... Get what you want!
HAHAHAHAHA.... maybe minus the Lover Not A Fighter part
I like just about everything. Different moods different music. These are my faves: Christina Aguilera, Ciara, Drop Kick Murphy's, Jason Mraz, Ozzy, Sublime, Rihanna and Three-Six Mafia
... check out my playlist!
LMFAO!!!... sorry Daryl I saw it and just had to steal it.
Ellen, Family Guy, Simpsons, Heroes, Law & Order, CSI.
My Mother... the bitch is crazy but she's the strongest person I know!