I am from Northern California but I moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago.I love it here. The only thing I miss about California is its beauty, trout and ocean fishing. I have two wonderful daughters named Jenny and Katie and six adopted daughters named Starr, Kara Gretchen and Krissie Christiana and Erin. I got onto myspace so that I could communicate with my daughters and my close church-friends.I am a born again, spirit filled christian and have been for many years and I love it. Having a relationship with Jesus brings hope and peace and His power to my life. I go to the most awesome church in town. One of the things I like about my church is that it helps people to deal with their issues so they can get healed up and set free to go help others. My church is a place for hungry people who want(MORE of HIM). We are a humble people seeking after the heart of God. My favorite scripture is Isiah 61. and Luke 4:18 God has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to give liberty to the oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and to heal the brokenhearted. *** And for all you men in myspace land, who keep myspaceing me please stop. I am not interested. *** Thank You!
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