Cara profile picture


Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangster

About Me

Hmm about me. I am 22years old. Which means I can drink and drive and only get in half the trouble! I live in Jacksonville, Fl. Its a dirty shit hole, but its growing on me.I am in school for pharmacy and I am patiently waiting for the day that I make enough money to spend $500 a week on clothes. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. I love him to death 3333 I have two doggies who are soo bad but soo cute. I have kick ass parents who give me everything I want and then some. I have amazing friends all over the place but mostly in Albany and Long Island Ny and my heart is always with them3 I only take baths, unless I am accompanied by a studly man then I will shower lol. I hate stupid people. I get headaches when I am around them. I have been arrested before and it will NEVER EVER happen again. I am petrified of spiders. In fact, I have almost caused 4 car accidents because of them. Just ask my best friend Sherri. That is pretty much the jist of who I am.

My Interests

Me and Mike's puppy Miles!

I'd like to meet:

A white person in my apartment complex lol


Requiem for a Dream. By far the greatest movie of all time.


Family Guy and David Chapelle DARKNESSSSS!!!!


I Know This Much is True - Wally Lamb, Any John Grisham, o0o and of course Not Proud a Smorgasbord of Shame (check out the website


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