basketball, football and drawin 24/7, femalez, stay on some kinda phone n most of da time im hoopin at a PARK NEAR YOU! mostly on my side of tha town!! but any park tho! M.O.N.E.Y! workin out n a gym or sumwhere im comfortable wit! kickin it wit ma homeboyaaz, much love to dem niggaz! spendin time wit ma family, n ma popz kuz i barely see em! alwayz eatin and actin a dogz ass! but i try to stay on da good side!*5* *5* *5* *5* *5*
D-WADE, A.I., Lebron J., Mike Jordan, Sebastian Telfair,Rudy Gay, J.J. Redick, Kobe,Gabriel Union CHRISTINA MILIAN KUZ They JUS TO DAMN KEY!!
rap, hip-hop,A little latino music!!! lol i kno dat shit crazy!!
he got game, love n basketball, above the rim, The 6th Man, Hoop Dreams, LIFE, Bruce Lee movies!!! SCary MovIEZ!!
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MY DAD!!! MA MOMS!!! MY COUSIN TIM HARRINGTON kuz he really helped me wit ma basketball, he would push me to get to that next level everyday that i played wit him we would alwayz play 1 on 1 n hiz backyard n he would beat me, no matta how hard i tried i couldnt beat him, but till diz day i kno i can get em! SARGE kuz he has done so much for me n momz n family, hez done everything for tha school n haz so much heart for an oldy but i have neva met a man like diz one! he'z like a father to me n i thank him for everything! N DA MAN ABOVE kuz if it wasnt for him i wouldnt be here till diz day!! N D-WADE KUZ DATS THA KEYEST NIGGA N DA LEAGUE RIGHT NAA! ma uncle calvin kuz he'z been there for me every since i was little, he took care of me when i stayed down n Marietta, Ga! but i really gotta give it up for ma momz tho! hardest workin mom that i kno! shez alwayz been there for me everysince day 1 n she still iz n i love her for that! Ma dad left me when i wuz young, n i never really knew how it wuz to have a father! but i've grown to be a man on ma own! We finally see each other naa which iz real kuu u kno! but im thankful for that! i still love tha man for comin bak for me! ma grandma is alwayz gonna be ma hero kuz she doez so much for everybody! shez at everything n takez care of everybody when they need it, shez also 1 of the sweetest grand ma maz u'll find!