Me updating this damn page is a pretty momentous occasion so odds are that whatever you are about to read is pretty outdated but here goes anyway. I'm currently extremely happy to be living with my gorgeous fiance and our crazy cat Princess Leia, in our bitchin' apartment in Auburn. Working at Circuit City selling people TV's that they usually can't really afford but goddammit they just look so good. Back to school at Oswego for another round of some tough but fun classes although I can't wait to finish up there and get my life with my soon to be wife started off right. I can't wait to be able to work full time for once and actually make some money and the day that Julie and I finally own our own house is a day that can't come soon enough. I've been pretty impatient lately so hopefully time will start moving itself a little faster. Wedding coming this summer, finishing up at Oswego soon after that and then probably a little break from school before I even attempt to dive into a Masters program and who knows, maybe even a Phd sometime in the future. Thats right you may soon be calling me Dr. Dowd, so maybe you all just better start now so that you can get used to the sound of it. Oh and you all should remember this date: 8/8/09 because it's going to be the best day of my life. The day that I finally get to marry my true love.
AIM= VillainousVirtue
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
David Cross, Jim Carey, the cast and creators of Lost, Rachel Bilson, Harvey Birdman, C. S. Lewis, Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, and the creator of Arrested Development...> Rollin' with Saget on ..>