Anime, manga and other graphic storytelling media, drawing, fighting games, D&D, cosplay, and uh... trivia.
Whatever catches my fancy. Mostly anime and game soundtracks.
Dark City, Perfect Blue (The anime, not the shitty surfing movie of the same name), Kill Bill (I-II), Big Fish, Amadeus, Night of the Living Dead (Original), Dawn of the Dead (Original), Stacy (a.k.a: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies), Battle Royale
Haven't watched television in so long... Now as far as anime is concerned you should definitely be watching "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" or "Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni" if not both.
"Literature": the Great Gatsby, A Tale of Two Cities, Brave New World, Frankenstein, Dracula. Comics: The Walking Dead, Hellsing, Silent Mobius, Priest, Berserk, Gantz
The people on the bottom of the net: They're the greatest heroes of all.