There are no Jersey strangers, Just friends you haven't met. My name is Justin Silverman, I'm a self proposed Dual Major (Motion Picture Study & Design and Electronic Art) at Rutgers Camden graduate. I like hangin' out with my homies and bleh-friend Samantha.
I like being in South Jersey. I like going to the movies, playing video games, and blehing my blehfriend in her bleh!
I would like to meet David Krauss.
Every genre has a good song, but I don't load my MP3 player without most of these homies: Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth, Notorious BIG, Johnny Cash, Television Theme music, The Village People, Slayer, Tupac Shakur, Simon & Garfunkle, Louis Armstrong, Madonna, Disney Music, Burzum, Eminem, Grave Digger, Eric Clapton, G-Unit, Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Metallica, Nightwish, The Beatles, Stratovarius, Dr. Dre, Ozzy Osbourne, Mayhem, The Culture Club, Emperor, Video Game Music, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Braveheart, Leon the professional, Rocky I thru V, Starship Troopers, Aladdin, The Godfather Trilogy, Pulp Fiction, The Boondock Saints, Star Wars IV thru VI, Alien 1 thru 4, The Predator, Larry the Sandman, Commando, The Lion King, Scary Movie 3, Clockwork Orange, Sin City, Star Trek (all of em), Pokemon the movie, Casino, Kill Bill 1+2, Goodfellas, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Kazaam, The Naked Gun series, The Little Mermaid, The Beast, Spy Hard, Wayne's World, Spirit of the Barrens. I have hundreds of DVDs that I never watch, someone please watch them with me. Favorite directors: Luc Besson, Stanley Kubric, Paul Verhoeven, Quentin Tarantino, Mark Neumann, George Lucas (I guess), Kevin Smith (like his writing better), and Fadarparat (who directs my life with an iron fist.)
Captain Planet, Old school Nickelodeon, Dawson's Creek (Is that gay?), MTV Jams, Guts, Liquid Television, Yo! MTV Raps, Boy Meets World, Beavis and Butthead, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, The History Channel, Game Show Network, The Golden Girls, Start Trek (All the series, mostly Voyager), Nickelodeon GAS, and everything is worth a watch.... except reality television.
The Stranger, On The Road, Zoo Story, Catcher in the Rye, The Lord of the Rings including the Hobbit, Stranger in a Strange Land, American Gods, Curious George goes to the Circus, Tupac Resurrection, but I really don't read too much. I'd rather watch a good movie, but I do read the newspaper.
Frank Patterson
98% of the population does or will hate Frank Patterson. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't put this in your profile. Woooahhh!