I like to be happy and see those around me and close to me happy and seriously dislike people who are too selfish to consider other peoples feelings in their actions, which obviously particularly applies to liars (If your man or woman enough to make a decission then you should be man or woman enough to accept the consequences, instead of letting others 'pay for it' by trying to lie their way out of it and create untold missery to others!). I believe in having fun as much as possible whilst respecting other peoples rights to do the same.
..What I'm doing with my life?.....
Searching for answers to MANY questions! Trying to make the most of each day. Trying to experience as much of life as is possible and have as much fun as possible in the process. Taking a line from a couple of other profiles i've some accross that sumerises it perfectly : Live, Love and Laugh. Current events have given me far more oppertunity to learn new things and make many changes to my life, like the things you always wanted to do but for one reason or another couldn't at the time because of other responsabilities etc (I would like to join an Amateur Theatrical Group and learning to play the Piano/Keyboard). Am looking to change my career also and am looking at either getting back into my art (painting) or perhaps Computer Programming, Web site design and creation; Teaching or Psychology/Counselling. I would like to write a boook and learn another language (perhaps Japaneese) as well.
Some of my Artwork. Some complete, some not yet finished. Appologies for the resolution at the moment but I've had to use my mobile to download.
..The first thing(s) people usually notice about me.....
...The first things are going to be physical i guess and seem to be my height and my eyes. Then 'character' wise i guess my sense of humour (usually a shock at first to anybody that only knows the 'professional me' and probably unbelieavable to anybody reading this profile! Its a bit serious isn't it? I am fun and love to have fun as well as all the serious stuff - honest. lol) and finally I guess my approachableness and patience.
..The six things I could never do without.....
...Aside from the obvious needs like food, water and shelter, if there is one thing ive learnt about life its that there are NEVER things one cannot actually live without when it comes to it. Which in turn ive come to percieve as being possibly the best thing actually. It seems far better to 'choose' to have something or to share your life with someone imparticular because you 'want' to rather then 'needing' to. 'Needs' seem to create a kind of slavery, emotionally or otherwise through fear of loosing the thing or person in question. I'll stop there i think otherwise ill bore you all (if i havent already! lol)by delving into murkier waters such as 'emotional' needs. Doh!
..I spend a lot of time thinking about.....
...The origin of life. Why people do what they do. Mankinds future. Wether various things we are taught are actually true (even the stuff most of us seem to take for granted - like 'what IS gravity really?'). Who is God(s) and does he/they demand our respect or is religion just a manmade form of 'control'. I spend a fair bit of time thinking about quite a lot of 'deep' stuff really.
..You should message me if.....
...you 'want' to (see 'the six things i could never do without' lol), simple as that really.Thanks for reading. Hope to get to know you.
These things are a good bit of fun to do from tme to time. If you enjoy them to tou can click on the link at the bottom and take the test yourself. There are also many more in my Blogs you can check out.
I AM 6: The Loyalist
You have strong relationships and are intensely loyal.
People find you easy to love and care for.
You like your world to be stable and secure, no surprises.
You're cautious. You prefer your inner circle to the outside world.
At Your Best: You are courageous, a positive thinker, and expressive. You can take on the world.
At Your Worst: You are secretly insecure - which makes you sarcastic, cold, and argumentative.
Your Fixation: Doubt
Your Primary Fear: Abandonment
Your Primary Desire: Security and support
Other Number 6's: Mel Gibson, Woody Allen, Jay Leno, Marilyn Monroe, and Julia Roberts. What Number Are You?
This is a cool bit if fun. Go try it out yourself.
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