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My heroes are my parents~~They have taught me everything I know and made me the best person and mother I could be! They have stuck by my side through thick and thin. My two kids Skyler & Madison~ They teach me news things every day they are fearless and they have taught me about being patient.They are the love of my life! Also my husband Brian~ He has given me the two best gifts in life. He has taught me how to love and how to live life and not worry what others think Chrisina Lemus she has taught me so much, good friends are hard to find and her family is like part of mine they mean alot to me and my family and I'm glad we can open up to each other and not worry about what others think , I hope we are friends for eternity. I love you like your my sister and always will,and last but not least my sister Natasha for always being there being more like a friend then a sister,Also my baby sister even though she's only 10 she acts and even talks like she's 20 ..... I love you all more than words could ever say!!!!